Fast Fat Loss Tips For Men and Women

You need fast fat loss tips if you have a particular event coming up where you want to look lean and sexy. Luckily, there are a lot of safe and helpful ways to lose fat faster, and burn off your tummy fat.

Begin with diet tips, which are the most crucial part of a fat loss program, you will find that you can lose from 3, 5, or even 7 pounds in one week or less if you make big nourishment changes. First and foremost, you must do away with all sugar from your diet. By getting rid of sodas and juices - and even sugar-laden Star bucks coffee you can cut out 500 to 1000 calories per day from your diet. This alone would cause a 1 to 2 pound weight loss in a week, but you also will decrease your insulin level. Insulin is a fat storage hormone. The closer you get your insulin to normal levels through diet and exercise you do, the better you will be able to burn fat. Just this one nutritional change could cause 5 pounds of weight loss within one week.

The second best nutrition weight loss tip is to eat more fruits and vegetables and nuts. You might think this is fanatical to you, but because nuts have a lot of calories and because you have heard some old-school bodybuilder trainers at your gym telling their clients that fruit makes them fat. But that is not true, and you should not be afraid of nuts. Research shows that eating more fruits and vegetables results in fat loss, and another study found that substituting in almonds for complex carbohydrates also leads to more fat loss. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts all contain fiber and satisfy your appetite, helping you to eat fewer calories each day, and that is why they will help you with fat loss.

One more easy way to increase your fat loss is to eat 5-6 small meals in a day, rather than having 3 large meals. At the very least, have 3 slightly smaller than normal meals, and add two small snacks in-between meals. Focus on controlling portion size and avoiding excessive hunger. This will prevent you from binge eating.

Switching to training for fast weight loss, you need to focus on interval exercise, not frequent aerobic training. Stop the long slow cardio workouts. Research shows that interval training works best for losing belly fat. But no matter how good your workout, nothing is as effective as diet for fast fat loss.

If you are serious about getting in shape, then try one of the most effective weight loss [http://www.top3productsreview.com/weightloss] review program guides we have tested and proven to give good results.

To learn which fat burning exercises guides can help you lose weight, we recommend using our weight loss review guides [http://www.top3productsreview.com/weightloss]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Alphha/425463

Tips For Reaching Your Muscle Building and Fat Loss Goals!

Want To Sabotage Your Goals? Do This!

Want To Reach Your Goals? Do This!

Muscle & Fiction, Huh, what's that?

More than 96% of the people who start out on a diet and exercise program, fail to stick with the program after 6 to 8 weeks! Why?

ANSWER... Because they grow physically and mentally weary in that amount of time. Why? Because they become over-worked from the training routine and underfed from the inferior diet.

What do I mean? Well - - the person starts out with the best of intensions. Sets a goal for them self, starts a workout program that they found on the internet or magazine or their favorite celebrities "no-fail-program" to get in shape. They get all pumped-up and start first thing Monday.


By Friday night they are making any and every excuse they can conjure up in their mind to convince them self that it's "okay" to have a pizza or ice cream or any unhealthy delight that they crave that will surely go against the diet plan they started on Monday morning. You know it's true... it's happened to me, you and millions of other well-intentioned people.


Because they read and follow the advice of what I call "Muscle & Fiction" programs and literature. You are bound to fail, you will have no choice but to fail, because... you are following the fictional, inaccurate, fad diet advise.

Do you want the "2-Step-Secret" to guaranteed fat loss and muscle gain? Yes? Okay then, follow this.

#1... QUIT reading all the Muscle & Fiction Bullsh#t - There is no "eat-whatever-you-want-diet" for losing fat and getting in shape. If you allow yourself to believe that cr@p then you deserve to fail! Am I being harsh? NO, I'm being "HONEST" with you. Eat crappy foods and you'll build a crappy body. You can't defy the laws on nature, plain and simple!

#2-1... Do what makes sense and feels right - You can't take years of your life building an unhealthy body and expect to "make-it-healthy" overnight, especially eating processed, denatured and refined foods, it's IMPOSSIBLE, the human body was not and is not built that way - you have to build healthy blood which in turn builds healthy tissue, which in turn builds healthy bones, and you know what? - - that takes time, what kind of time? - not days, not weeks, but months - - and maybe a year or more if you have really abused your body! make sense? It better or you're doomed to failure if you think you can fool the 'laws of nature". People want to do it quickly, without pain and all pleasure, that's why "Muscle & Fiction" exists. It panders to your emotions, not you logical brain.

#2-2... Train and eat in a healthy fashion that is best suited for 'your-body" not someone else's. Weight train no more than three times a week. If you are weight training in a progressive, continuous regimen you will not be able to weight train more than three times a week. If you can weight train more than three time a week I can guarantee you are not training hard enough, if you train hard and intelligently, you will not be able to train more than three times a week!!

Eat to live, don't live to eat! You can create easy to make, delicious and nutritious foods that build you up and stop the cravings for sugar and sodium and fatty foods. Food to the body can be like a drug - eat the wrong foods and you'll trigger the mechanism for wanting more of the wrong foods and drinks. It's a vicious cycle that always end's in disappointment and frustration. Eat clean, eat healthy - lean meats - - clean carbs - - plenty of vegetables - - fresh fruit and clean water.


Quit following the Muscle & Fiction - follow the best diet, and the best diet for you is that "diet that works for you" always.

"FREE" fat loss and Muscle Building Reports at http://www.MiloBodyBuilding.Com Dan Przyojski is N.F.P.T. Certified - Mr. Toledo - Masters Mr. Michigan - Writer - Author - Speaker and owner of http://www.BodyBuildingWithoutSteroids.Com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dan_Przyojski/1502675

Increase Fat Loss With These Workout Tips

If you're looking to increase fat loss, then it's important that you're paying close attention to what you're doing in the gym so that you can boost the intensity of your workouts and burn more calories on a daily basis.

Many people shy away from doing workouts that are of a higher intensity thinking that it just takes too much work and effort. Don't let yourself do this. Intense workouts will produce ten times the increase in fat loss as those that aren't, so the extra effort is definitely work it.

If you want to get to your goals, put in a bit more effort and you will be very rewarded for it.

Here are some of the best ways to increase fat loss by making your workouts more intense.

Add Interval Sprint Training

The very first way to quickly boost the intensity of your workout program to increase fat loss almost immediately is to swap your regular steady state cardio training for some interval training instead.

Interval training not only takes less time total to complete, but it's also done at such a high intensity that you'll continue to burn calories for hours after it's completed.

This way, you can burn fat faster while sitting on the couch later in the evening relaxing. That is truly a powerful fat fighting technique.

Decrease Your Rest Times

Second, another simple way to increase fat loss through your workout program is to decrease the number of rest you're taking between sets. Most people usually use anywhere from 2-3 minutes between each weight lifting set they do.

Start using just 30 seconds to one minute. It will definitely make your workout harder but this is going to keep your heart rate up and allow you to really blast fat from your body during the workout.

Give yourself a few days to ease into this though - if you begin to feel light-headed at all while decreasing the rest times, that's a signal that you've gone too far. Increase it slightly from there and work slowly at getting to that 30 second mark.

Superset Compound Movements

Finally, the last thing that you can do to see increased weight loss is to superset some compound exercises together. Compound exercises are already great for fat loss since they're going to burn so many calories when you do them as they work multiple muscle groups at once.

But when you superset them, moving from one exercise immediately to the next before taking your rest period, now you're really cranking up the calorie burn.

When doing this it's best if you can superset upper body exercises with lower body movements for best results.

So keep these quick tips in mind if you want to increase fat loss and get more from your workout sessions.

Looking for help with your weight loss plan? Be sure to check out the hottest new product on the market, HCG Drops.

For more information on how you can see faster overall fat loss success, please visit www.hcgezdrops.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shannon_Clark/125749

Best Fat Burning Tips - Learn How to Burn That Fat

The secret to burning fat lies in the correct combination of exercise and diet. The fat burning tips being offered here will help you to discover a new method of achieving your goals of fat burning. An important thing to understand here is that each person is unique and has got different requirements of diet and exercise. Only common factor that is applicable to all groups is consistency. Results require some serious efforts and a lot of patience.

Reducing your calorie and salt intake is a good way to fat burning. Sodium levels in your body help to retain water and contribute to body fat. Thus, sodium in your body directly contributes to weight gain. Therefore, by reducing your salt intake you can keep the sodium levels in your body under control. Another source of sodium is various types of seasoning that we consume. These need to be kept under check as they add on to sodium without you realizing it.

Most of these tips appear to be too simple. However, it is these simple fat-burning tips that will contribute to maximum weight loss if you practice them seriously. Another such tip is to substitute your high calorie foods with low calorie ones. Burning fat is all about the simple difference between the calories we consume and the calories we expend.

A very effective method of fat burning is to eat nothing at least two hours before you go to bed. This simple tip can work wonders at reducing your weight. Eating before going to bed means that your body will be converting it to fat. So, remember this when you pick up your late night snack.

The other formula to reducing your body fat is to exercise regularly. Remaining active will change your body metabolism and burn fats instead of storing them. Exercises will speed up your body metabolism and hasten the burning of calories. Therefore, you will effectively lose weight.

Some good exercises to lose weight are walking, jogging, cycling, trainer workouts and swimming. Yet another good fat burning tips is to use as many groups of muscles of your body as possible. More fat will be burned as you exercise all the muscles of your body. Aerobic exercises will help you to burn maximum body fat and improve your metabolism. By developing a high metabolic rate your body, will burn fat even after you have finished doing your exercise? Fat burning enzymes are developed in the people who exercise regularly.

So the secret lies in eating properly and exercising well at the same time. This will be one of the best fat burning tips you have ever received. Remember to burn more calories than what you have consumed in the day.

Fore more free fat burning tip and workouts visit FatLossWorkouts.net [http://fatlossworkouts.net]

For a proven healthy fat burning diet Click Here [http://stripthatfatonline.info/] - Start today and discover the new leaner You!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Milo_Baker/423544

Fat Burning Secrets - Discover What You Need to Know About Fat Burning

We have heard a lot of fat burning secrets that promise us a good way to lose weight. We have been hearing a lot of weight loss programs that promise the same thing all over again. We have seen a sudden weight loss and believe it will also happen to us. We desire to lose weight yet we are caught in dilemmas which way is to be followed.

Being fat is everybody's enemy. It's socially unacceptable and slowly pull you down to your lowest emotion possible - impaired self-esteem and confidence. Applying to work requires weight requirement, enrolling to nursing courses require height and weight ratio, and going on a zipline for relaxation requires normal weight. Being fat doesn't allow you to wear anything; you may be forced to wear dark-colored clothes and extra large clothes just to cover up those fats. You see, you can be deprived of everything especially when you are obese. We are not saying that you will be deprived forever, it's just that being fat and fit is two different things. You will have more benefits when you are fit than fat. Not just being physically pleasing, but being healthy as well at one point.

There are many attempts being made to lose and burn fat, but most people failed. There are many fad diets and fat burning gadgets that caught your attention to buy one, but no pound of weight is lost. There are many fat burning tips but only fee works. What do people really need? Why they go depressed and frustrated for all the failures in weight loss? What should people know about? It is actually the hidden fact that will give us a new viewpoint and understanding how to burn fat properly. This is the unusual way of burning fat, not more on the tips but getting oriented with the truth and practical way. It is about the fat burning secrets which are revealed for the readers out there. This is about learning a new and practice it to change:
If you really want to burn fat, the best health advice and tips are coming from people who have gone through the process of losing weight and finally made it to top. These are the fitness models and gym instructors. They are the ones who will give you what to eat and most of all, what exercise routines are to be made.
Diet is also a big factor to burn fats:
Eat a balanced and complete meal.
Add more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Avoid fatty foods; avoid high sugar foods and high carbohydrates
No to soft drinks, switch then to water as it has zero calories and keeps you hydrated and feel full longer.
Avoid white rice; consume as much as possible, brown rice.
No to desserts such as chocolate, cakes, etc.
In losing weight, the principle that is applied is more muscles = more fat burning process. Not all people know this but the more muscle you get from exercising, more fats are really burnt. So, may be you are wondering how to get more muscles? Well, you can burn fat at a higher rate trough the combination of weight training exercises and cardio. These two create an impact on the metabolism rate of the body than doing one exercise. What you need to know as well is that exercises should be starting from slow until it is already highly intense especially the intervals, and not maintain the rate for years. You will never burn fat anymore with that way.

The effectiveness of your exercises depends on how much you do it. a research shows that doing 8 repetitions of each exercises is the best combination of muscle building and fat burning process. When you do below 8 exercises, you are just strengthening your body and not building the muscles, and for more than 12 repetitions, you are no longer building strength but muscles. As such, doing 8 repetitions can already help you burn more fat as they assist in building more muscles at the same time.

Upon knowing all the said facts, the main point here is, fat burning secrets are dealt with going over a certain diet which are healthy and balanced, and engaging oneself into proper exercises that give you strength and build more muscles at the same time, thus helping you to burn excess and unwanted fats, and lose weight eventually. When you given the facts, you know what could be done in losing weight by burning fat.

Next, learn more about Rapid Weight Loss Diets and see how you can lose weight fast through eating the right healthy foods.

Find out about The Diet Solution Review and see how Isabel De Los Rios can teach you how to lose weight fast with her diet program today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Stepfanie_Wayne/771993

5 Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Tips - How to Lose Weight Naturally

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great natural treatment to detox your body and flush the system of harmful toxins and living worms breeding in your stomach. Not only will you shed weight using Dr Suzanne's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, you body will be much healthier and cleansed.

However, at the completion of the treatment, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off . And to do that, you just have to eat sensibly.

Below are 5 more essential tips that will show you how to lose weight naturally, and keep the weight off -

1. Getting the correct nutrition is essential to any successful diet and exercise plan and fruit, veg and starchy foods will provide you with all the necessary nutrients needed. Starchy foods should be around a third of your daily diet and just as important is eating different types of starchy foods. They are an excellent way of getting the energy that your body needs and of also getting fiber, calcium, iron and Vitamin B which are all essential for a well balanced diet.

2. Carbohydrates can be our enemy when on a diet but they can also be our friend. Good carbs are the the wholemeal kinds, vegetables and fruits. Carbs play a vital role in how the bodies metabolism is functioning. When we limit the number of carbs, our metabolism will start to drop drastically in order to preserve calories (the body thinks it's starving!). This will be fat burning to a halt - not what we want. In order to keep the metabolism and fat burning running at maximum level it's best to cycle carbs during the week.

3. Don't eat the same meals every day - just mix it up to maintain motivation - and make it enjoyable. Give yourself a favorite treat each week, like a piece of mud cake. No diet is perfect - but as long as you enjoy it in moderation. Just make sure you get straight back to your plans and exercise.

4. Choose beverages and foods that moderate your intake of sugar. More and more of our calories are coming from sugar, especially sodas and energy drinks. These provide no nutrition, just unwanted calories. So ditch the drinks including the diet kinds, and drink plenty of water, green tea or for more flavor go for the healthy smoothies.

5. Get active - Although Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is a great fat loss program, you still need to be active. So say no to boring cardios - instead start working out hard using a combination of high intensity interval training and complex movement strength training. Not only do the workouts require less time (roughly 45 minutes), research has shown that high intensity workouts are far more effective than the traditional cardios. Whether you are female or male, get onto it now.

If You Want Sure-Fire Ways on How to Lose Weight Naturally,Visit Top Secret Fat Loss Secret [http://www.topsecret-fatloss-secretreviews.info] at [http://www.topsecret-fatloss-secretreviews.info] For The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Diet And Discover The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jason_Oh/39595

15 Fat Burning Foods - Eating Your Way To Natural Fat Loss

Quickly, can you name 15 fat burning foods in the next 30 seconds? How did you do? Well, there are a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that are hyped as foods that you can eat to help you to lose weight. They are also known as negative calorie foods and have what is known as a high 'thermogenic' value. In other words, they use more calories in the digestive process than what is actually contained within the food itself. This process speeds up your metabolism, which can lead to fat loss.

In actuality, it is not the food that burns the fat, but the nutrients in these foods that help in breaking down fatty deposits and make it easier for your body to help flush out the fat. Also, when your body is properly nourished it has a positive affect on maintaining your blood sugar level. Regulating your blood sugar level has proven to be the most effective method to maintaining the body's fat-burning capacity by eliminating the feel of hunger.

Following are 15 fat burning foods known for accelerating fat loss; they are packed with nutritional value and can assist you in achieving your weight loss goal and improve your overall health in numerous ways:


Steep in fiber and an excellent source of protein as well as iron, a single serving of beans is very filling and can satisfy your appetite for hours. The great thing is that they come in many varieties including lima beans, black beans, kidney beans, navy beans, green beans, wax beans, northern beans, and garbanzo beans. They are great for helping to keep the blood sugar level balance.


This staple has a worldwide reputation as a miracle food and comes in over 300 varieties; it contains vitamins A, C, and D. One of the most common is the American garlic; it has a white paper-like skin and a very strong flavor. Its many forms include whole peeled gloves, minced fresh cloves, dried garlic powder, garlic extract, garlic salt, and whole peeled gloves. Garlic contains the compound allicin which studies have shown can help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure; it is a natural diuretic food that aids the breakage of fat. It has been observed that allicin begins to degrade immediately after it is produced, so its medicinal effect decreases over time. Cooking degrades its even further and microwaving allicin, more likely than not, totally annihilates any health benefits.

To receive the optimal effect, crush a little raw garlic and combine with the cooked food shortly before serving. Be careful not to overdo it - too much can irritate or possibly damage the digestive tract. Keep in mind that raw, crushed garlic yields not only the most powerful flavor but, as an entry on the 15 fat burning foods list, it is an extremely effective ingredient to have as a part of your health and fitness arsenal.


This vegetable contains high levels of carotene, which is transform into Vitamin A. Carotene stimulates the metabolic rate of the body and speeds the elimination of fat deposits and waste. In addition, research has shown that this compound may be of significant benefit for maintaining blood sugar level and possesses antioxidant properties that can reduce the rate of certain types of cancer as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Known as a simple home remedy for ailments ranging from sinus headaches to a sore toe, apple cider vinegar also has the natural ability to accelerate fat loss. Made from apples, it contains malic acid, which is an essential ingredient for converting sugars and fats into an energy source that fuels the bodily functions such as walking, running, breathing, and blood flow.
Apple cider vinegar also have high levels of potassium that has an antiseptic quality , which helps to eliminate stored fats. Pectin is another ingredient contained in the fresh apples from which the vinegar is made; it is a soluble fiber that binds to cholesterol globules and pulls them out of the body. It works 24 hours a day to help your body remove unwanted fat. This also helps remove unwanted heavy metals. Less fat and cholesterol in the body reduces the risk of just about any ailment!


Like its fellow vegetable in the 15 fat burning foods category - garlic, onions have minerals and oils that will help to promote fat loss by the breakdown of fat deposits and speeding up your metabolism. They also are rich in vitamin C and chromium. Chromium is a mineral that is promoted as a weight-loss supplement due to it's supposed ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and boost the body's fat-burning metabolism.


Whether raw, steamed, fried, stewed, crushed, pureed, or reduced to a sauce, the tomatoes is one of the most frequently eaten "vegetables" in the United States. It has a high Vitamin C and Citric malic-oxalic acid content. The acid contains enzymes that will hasten the metabolic process. It also helps the kidneys to release more water, which filters out large amounts of fatty deposits. Because it is a "fatless" vegetable, many people employ tomatoes fat-loss diet for a brief period of time.


Raw celery has a high calcium content and when eaten the calcium is sent directly to work. This pure form of calcium will stimulate your endocrine system. The hormones in your body will break up the fat that is stored in the body. In addition, celery contains a high amount of iron and magnesium; these minerals are excellent for flushing out your system.


The high silicon and sulfur content in cucumbers works to stimulate the kidneys to filter out uric acid, which is a waste product formed from the metabolic breakdown of substances in food called purines. Once this uric acid is washed out, it speeds up the removal of fat, and loosens the fat from the cells.


A good vegetable source of vitamin E, and a natural treatment for rheumatism and arthritis, asparagus is also a natural diuretic that promotes the elimination of fluids in the body. This pick for 15 fat burning foods contains a chemical that accelerates metabolism by assisting in the breakdown of the oxalic acid that tends to bind fat to cells. Its affect in reducing fatty deposits into small bits makes it easier to expend them out of the body.


This is another powerful diuretic that supports the functions of the liver and kidneys. Beets wash out floating body fats; they are rich in a special iron that cleanses the corpuscles. Corpuscles are blood cells that can contain fat deposits.


Because of the cabbage ability to inhibit the transformation of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat it is of great value in the fat loss war. It contains the minerals iodine and sulfur, which cleanses the body of waste matter from the membranes of the stomach and intestines. If you have a pot belly or want to rid yourself of love handles, cabbage is a natural diuretic that will help to break up the excess fat stored in these areas.

Olive Oil

This item should be at the top of the 15 fat burning foods for everyone. Numerous studies have shown that the reasons for southern Europeans low rate of cardiovascular disease is their frequent use of olive oil as their primary source of dietary fat. By utilizing olive oil in the same way, you can reap the same health benefits. Extra-virgin olive oil (nuts, avocados, and canola oil) is made of monounsaturated fat and helps to lower the levels of the 'bad fat' ldl cholesterol and also the blood fats that are known as triglycerides.

The fats that you need to avoid, the saturated fats found mostly in animal foods and diary products, are what raise those levels. That is why it is recommended that you eat only lean meats and nonfat dairy products. The bottom line here is, olive oil, used in healthy amounts as a replacement for the "unhealthy fats," will enhance your fat loss program.


This is a food that is high in fiber and provides your body with volume; it prolongs digestion, which makes you feel full longer. Eating apples in place of junk foods, decrease the likelihood of you eating foods that are less filling and high in calories. This encourages stable blood-glucose levels. Because fat burning foods such as apples have fewer calories, they are popular in fat loss programs that involve calorie counting. The high water content of apples is another reason why apples are great for weight loss. The water within the apple is absorbed by the body and helps to keep blood-oxygenation levels high.

When this occurs, your body's metabolism is stimulated and burns glucose energy. A low blood-oxygenation level makes your body feel sluggish and the nutrients that you do eat cannot be effectively transported to the areas of the body where they are needed. So, why not add apples to your list, and the next time you feel the urge to have a snack, pick up one and start munching knowing that you are making a significant contribution to your fat loss efforts.


There is a reason why professional bodybuilders have relied on oatmeal as a staple of their breakfast; it is very high in nutrients. It is an amazing source of cholesterol fighting, fat-soluble fiber that is filling and provides a good amount of energy to propel you through any workout. Avoid instant oatmeal and choose rolled or steel cut oats instead.

Lean Turkey

This is another favorite food of bodybuilders. Many studies have proven that the proteins contained in lean turkey boost the metabolism that promotes fat loss and helps to build up the lean muscle tissue that enables you to burn even more fat. (calories.) The reason lean meats stimulate metabolism and burns calories is because it uses more energy in the digestion process that other foods.

So there you have it, 15 fat burning foods that not only promote fat loss but contains vitamin and minerals that yield many other health related benefits as well. As with any changes in diet or fitness related activities, you should always consult with your health care practitioner first!

John Landers is a writer, webmaster and world traveler who has lost over 30 pounds in the past year by successfully incorporating the strategies in this article into his fat loss and fitness program.

Get this Free Report- "Skyrocket Your Fat Loss Success" [http://www.burnfat-and-buildmuscle.com/get_your_free_report.html]

Learn more about "The Fat Loss Program Previously Known Only To Bodybuilders and Models - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" [http://www.clickweightloss.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Landers/88879

The Top 4 Reasons Why You're Still Not Losing Your Belly Fat

You've been watching what you eat and regularly working out for weeks and weeks now but you still can't seem to fit into your old pair of jeans or wear that little black dress without looking like you're ready to explode out of it. This simply means that your diet plan and workouts have failed and you have not reduced your belly fat.

Various studies show that there may be some other things you're failing to do or are still doing that is causing you to retain your belly bulge. The top 4 reasons you're still not losing your belly fat are:

1. You're doing the wrong type of workout. In general, people immediately turn to steady-state cardio workouts, like long jogs, when trying to slim down. However, there is a big problem with this approach: a 45-minute run at a consistent pace can aid you shed pounds at first, but soon your metabolism will adjust and you will stop burning calories the moment you stop running on the treadmill. A better and more effective way to tone your tummy is through weight training. When you lift weights, you create micro-tears in muscle that take more energy and this helps you burn more calories. Another effective workout for fat loss is high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. You can create a HIIT program with various types of exercises, including cardio workouts such as running, swimming, and cycling and even full-body strength workouts.

2. You're not getting enough sleep. A study showed that women who slept five or fewer hours per night were 32 percent more likely to experience major weight gain over 16 years than those who got more sleep. As such, it really is important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

3. You're still consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol can increase your appetite and food intake and certain kinds of alcoholic beverages are associated with increasing one's belly fat. There's no need to cut out booze completely: you can still a glass of wine or clear liquor every so often with a meal. But avoid alcohol beverages mixed with soda and other sugary mixers.

4. Your magnesium levels are low. Your body needs magnesium for more than 300 chemical reactions, including keeping heart rhythm steady, regulating blood flow and aiding you in your weight loss and body shaping endeavors. As such, eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, beans, and nuts. You can also consider taking in supplements but you have to consult your doctor about this first.

Read helpful and effective tips on how to get rid of your belly fat on http://www.bodysmart.ae/how-to-reduce-fat-on-stomach/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Erica_L_Green/1867965

Belly Fat Exercises - Trim and Tone Your Stomach

Stop struggling with fat, flabby abs. Say goodbye to that muffin top for good. There are many belly fat exercises you can do to burn the fat around your midsection and have the sexy abs you've always dreamed of.

The first and most common belly fat exercises are crunches. These are performed by lying on your back with your knees shoulder width apart and your heels flat on the floor. You place your hands behind your head and lift the upper portion of your torso using only your stomach muscles. Many people use crunches exclusively to trim and tone their abs and wonder why they never get any results.

While crunches certainly have their place in an abs workout regimen, you must focus on other forms of exercise as well.

Pilates is a form of exercise that specifically targets the abdominal muscles. These exercises will help you to have better posture, burn more fat, and have strong abs. You can take classes to learn this or check out an exercise video that contains Pilates exercises.

Isometric exercises or ab vacuums are also convenient exercises that you can do no matter where you are. For those you simply stand or sit and contract your stomach muscles for 10 seconds at a time. When you repeat this, it's as if you're performing stomach crunches without having to lie on the ground.

And don't forget to do cardio exercises. These are exercises that are designed to condition the heart and lungs. But they also use up fat stores all over the body for energy. That means you'll burn fat when you participate in them.

Interval cardio training is your best bet when seeking to burn fat around the abs. Wind sprints, hill runs, bicycling and swimming are some examples. Your objective here is to engage in brief, high intensity periods of exercise (where you work out as intensely as you can) "high," alternated with active recovery periods, where you slow down just long enough to catch your breath, "low."

With the right mix of belly fat exercises, you can quickly trim and tone your stomach to get the figure you desire. To get the most efficient exercise to blast belly fat, click the link below for a complimentary copy of belly fat secrets.

Turn belly fat into belly flat. Discover additional belly fat exercises [http://burnbellyfatguide.com] in your complimentary copy of "5 Secrets To Burning Belly Fat." Click the following link for immediate access to the report → to [http://burnbellyfatguide.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/R._Crowley/234880

Top 5 Ab Exercises To Tone Your Tummy

Belly fats are not just visually ugly but also uncomfortable and unhealthy. Toning up and slimming down the belly is simple and very specific. It only takes patience and discipline to follow a diet regimen. Trimming down belly fats can be best achieved by diet and exercise. Eating the right foods and doing the right activity greatly affects how your tummy looks like. If you wanted to have a slimmer tummy just follow the food list included in the best stomach toning diet.

The diet basically includes low-carb, low calorie and low-fat foods and beverages. The intake should be in accordance to the recommended dietary allowance since too much intake of calorie-rich foods can cause several weight loss problems. Dieters should prefer fish rather than beef or pork since it contains high level of cholesterol especially when fried. Fish and tuna are preferred since it contains health benefits and lesser cholesterol level.

High fat diet will make your tummy big and bloated. To tone it up, you must limit you fat intake as much as possible. Fiber rich foods are recommended by the fitness gurus since it helps in faster fat elimination. It has a fat diuretic effect which helps the body flush out excess fats that are deposited in various parts of the body. Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables and root crops.

For beverages, always check the label of your drinks. Low-fat milk and drinks are much better than carbonated drinks and skimmed milk. If you wanted to tone up your tummy, carefully choose the foods that you eat. Oily foods and fried dishes are very tempting yet the fat content is very high thus they should be avoided. The best stomach toning diet is always focused on foods with low fat and high-fiber content. The secret to flat abs mostly depend on diet therapy and exercise program.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Faviano_Torres/250566

The Top 4 Reasons Why You're Still Not Losing Your Belly Fat

You've been watching what you eat and regularly working out for weeks and weeks now but you still can't seem to fit into your old pair of jeans or wear that little black dress without looking like you're ready to explode out of it. This simply means that your diet plan and workouts have failed and you have not reduced your belly fat.

Various studies show that there may be some other things you're failing to do or are still doing that is causing you to retain your belly bulge. The top 4 reasons you're still not losing your belly fat are:

1. You're doing the wrong type of workout. In general, people immediately turn to steady-state cardio workouts, like long jogs, when trying to slim down. However, there is a big problem with this approach: a 45-minute run at a consistent pace can aid you shed pounds at first, but soon your metabolism will adjust and you will stop burning calories the moment you stop running on the treadmill. A better and more effective way to tone your tummy is through weight training. When you lift weights, you create micro-tears in muscle that take more energy and this helps you burn more calories. Another effective workout for fat loss is high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. You can create a HIIT program with various types of exercises, including cardio workouts such as running, swimming, and cycling and even full-body strength workouts.

2. You're not getting enough sleep. A study showed that women who slept five or fewer hours per night were 32 percent more likely to experience major weight gain over 16 years than those who got more sleep. As such, it really is important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

3. You're still consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol can increase your appetite and food intake and certain kinds of alcoholic beverages are associated with increasing one's belly fat. There's no need to cut out booze completely: you can still a glass of wine or clear liquor every so often with a meal. But avoid alcohol beverages mixed with soda and other sugary mixers.

4. Your magnesium levels are low. Your body needs magnesium for more than 300 chemical reactions, including keeping heart rhythm steady, regulating blood flow and aiding you in your weight loss and body shaping endeavors. As such, eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, beans, and nuts. You can also consider taking in supplements but you have to consult your doctor about this first.

Read helpful and effective tips on how to get rid of your belly fat on http://www.bodysmart.ae/how-to-reduce-fat-on-stomach/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Erica_L_Green/1867965

For You Five Delicious Foods That Burn Belly Fat

People often choose the type of food they like to consume, irrespective of whether a diet is required to lose fat around the abdomen. The good news is delicious foods that burn belly fat do exist. Basically, a fat-burning food item contains the right quantity of vitamins and other essential ingredients required to promote hormones capable of burning fat throughout the body. The idea must be to combine foods you like into a diet plan. Here are five delicious foods helping you lose fat around the tummy.

Include berries in daily diet. Different types of berries are available depending on geographical location. Some may find strawberries, while others may have access to blueberries in the local market. Most berries are full of dietary fiber and contain necessary quantity of vitamins and antioxidants required to burn fat. The only precaution to be taken is fresh berries should be bought. If not available, frozen vacuum-sealed packets can be bought at a supermarket. Most vendors are aware of growing demand for berries and have mastered logistical hiccups to procure berries at cheap prices from across the globe.

It is customary in many households to have a cup of soup before lunch or dinner to increase appetite. The same process can be slightly altered by having the right ingredients in soup. For example, tomato soup is ideally suited to burn belly fat while preventing people from overeating. Instead of having salads with a regular meal, food items like spring onion leaves, green beans, boiled mushrooms, and peppers can be safely had along with soup. Appetite is diminished, while you gain access to a blend of delicious food items, which can be altered as required.

People across the globe are used to having a morning cup of tea. Many also require their evening cup of tea or coffee as per habit. Whole milk may not be ideally suited, as it contains considerable amount of fat. However, it can be easily substituted by skimmed milk containing essential calcium and other fat-burning ingredients. It is also easily digestible and can be combined with different flavors for added taste. People also find it easier to switch over to green tea containing catechins and other antioxidants preventing fat from building up in the body. Buildup of triglycerides is also prevented through polyphenol reactions taking place through regular consumption of green tea.

Non-vegetarians have to make a minor shift in dietary habits including fish like salmon and white meat like chicken while avoiding red meat. Fish contains amino acids rich in omega-3 that not only increase body resistance against different ailments but also maintains right rate of metabolism needed to burn excess fat. Chicken meat is more easily digestible and obviously contains lower fat content as compared to red meat.

Oily food can be delicious, which is already proven through increased sales of food items like packed French fries and fried chicken. A healthy substitute is to fry food in edible olive oil specifically filtered for general cooking purposes. Again, vendors procure olive oil in bulk and sell them in the retail market. Most supermarkets store olive oil. Research has shown it is essentially more healthy and can be had directly mixed with salads or used to fry food items as needed.

There are scores of other delicious foods that burn belly fat. It is just a matter of combining items easily available in the local market and consuming food as per a diet plan specifically designed to shed fat around the tummy.

Here is a list of just 5 foods that burn belly fat [http://agefat.com]. it does not matter where you live. There are several foods that burn belly fat [http://agefat.com/foods-that-burn-belly-fat-quickly] at your disposal.

For detailed information, visit the Agefat website by clicking on any of the links above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Danch_Adams/1474668

What Is The Best Belly Fat Burning Foods to Lose Tummy Fat and Get Flat Abs

In this article, I want to share 7 top belly fat burning foods to help you get flat abs. I believe that if you incorporate these foods in your diet that you will find it much easier to lose weight. If you don't you may get less than optimal results.

It is simply a fact that what you eat is the most importan factor in how fast and efficiently you lose fat and weight. This should be your main focus.

Here are the 7 belly fat burning foods you should include in your diet:

1. Eggs - This superfood is a top source of protein and a host of other goodies. Protein helps to build muscle tissue and boost metabolism and can also help to make you feel full for longer and so is a good appetites suppressant. Whole eggs are fine as the yolk has many nutrients you can use.

2. Oatmeal - Rich in fiber this often underrated food helps to keep you full, improve your digestive process, provides a source of good energy and helps you to maintain the necessary calorie deficit to lose weight.

3. Broccoli - This is a nutrient packed vegatable and actually helps to burn off belly fat because it contains phytonutrients. These are elements that help to fight xenoestrogens, chemicals which are common in our food supply that induce more abdominal fat storage. By eating broccoli, you reduce the effect of xenoestrogens on your body.

4. Almonds and nuts - These are sources of protein and lots of healthy fats. You need healthy fats to function properly and to lose belly fat, so these foods are an essential and excellent addition to your regular meals.

5. Low fat dairy - While these foods do not actually induce more fat burning (although they are rich in protein), research shows that a greater consumption of dairy helps your body to get rid of fat through its secretions. This can amount to a few pounds a year so it's worth noting.

6. Garlic - While this food may not be the best food to eat before a big date, it is considered very healthy. Garlic contains allicin, an element with multiple health benefits which is also said to fight off fats in your body.

7. Tuna - Another rich source of protein and healthy fats for greater metabolism and more rapid fat burning.

Eat these belly fat burning foods regularly and you will see faster results.

For more killer fat burning food visit 5 Foods To Fight Abdominal Fat [http://truthaboutgreatabs.com]

For the best way to shed belly fat visit TruthAboutAbs Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an affiliate of Mike Geary and an author. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

Discover Top 15 Foods to Eat to Burn Belly Fat Fast

Consuming natural fat burning foods is one of the best and fastest ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat. There is absolutely no reason to spend your money on expensive fat burning pills and weight loss supplements because they don't work for long-term results. Natural fat burning foods work in this way that you burn more calories then you consume. With these foods your metabolism works harder as well. Here is my list of my top 15 belly fat burning foods and on top of that you get additional fat loss tips on the end of the article as well.

- Green beans
- Brussels Sprouts
- Eggs (the white part)
- Oranges
- Chicken
- Whole grain bread
- Bell peppers
- Salmon
- Radish
- Apricots
- Raspberry
- Strawberry
- Watermelon
- Tangerine
- Lima beans

Of course these are only one small fraction of fat burning foods. There are some other things you must do to get rid of stubborn stomach fat as well. Therefore I add five nutrition tips to this article to melt away belly fat naturally as fast as possible.

1) Drink more water and avoid soft drink. No nutrition plan without drinking at least eight cups of water per day. Water doesn't contain any calories at all and it activates your metabolism

2) Eat foods rich in protein it is the natural fat burner and muscle builder activator

3) Do full body exercises such as mountain climber, front squats and back squats.

4) Avoid eating foods that contain bad fats such as ice cream, doughnuts, cracker, and cookies in general. In fact you should avoid eating foods that comes from an animal source

5) Processed carbohydrates are bad for you so don't eat white bread, pastas and white
rice. Whole grain foods haven't been processed and contain the fiber and minerals
your body needs.

These fat burning foods and nutrition tips are vital to lose belly fat fast and most of them are good to reduce bad cholesterol as well.

Lose belly fat fast.You're about to learn the insider secrets most people will never know about their belly fat and abs. Learn how to lose belly fat without dieting Discover how to get abs without doing crunches and sit-ups.On top of that you get a free ebook.Insider secrets of a lean body revealed. Click here to a healthier you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Frederik_Smith/67847

Secret Best Foods To Burn Belly Fat Naturally

Some fruits and vegetables can help lose belly fat. The preparation of some easy recipes using natural foods contributes to weight loss while sculpting the body.

There are plenty of effective foods to lose weight and help lose weight, including cinnamon, pepper and cucumber.


Cinnamon has a thousand medicinal properties! It is a thermogenic. Indeed, cinnamon has a tendency to produce heat through metabolic stimulation of what makes the body burn fat, including belly fat.

We must take ground cinnamon and avoid cinnamon bark oil which can lead to ulcers and mouth sores.

Cinnamon is a spice that can cook with food.

How to use it?

- Sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon on beverages like tea, coffee or even milk.

- Add cinnamon on toast or muffins lightened...

- Add cereal with cinnamon powder.

- Sprinkle some cinnamon on salads, dips and sauces.

Hot pepper

Originally from America, the hot pepper is rich in several types of antioxidants that protect the body from different cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and some age-related diseases.

The pepper is rich in capsaicin (antioxidant) which has thermogenic effects. A study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that daily consumption of capsaicin helps to burn belly fat and increases fat oxidation. So spice up foods to lose belly fat!

How to use it?

- Add hot pepper to soups, eggs, sauces and meats.

The cucumber

Cucumber is an ideal food to lose weight, and what is interesting is that it is also excellent for burning body fat!

Elizabeth is a dietician and in her book "Nutrition for women", it proposes methods to lose weight. She says that cucumber is rich in sulfur and silicon. These allow to burn body fat and belly.

Cucumber is rich in water and acts as a diuretic to prevent bloating of the belly. When eating cucumber with a little lemon juice, it increases metabolism and breaks down abdominal fat.

It is also an anti-cancer. Indeed, the cucumber contains cucurbitacin which have anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For people who wish to have a beautiful silhouette, they are advised to eat the cucumber because it promotes satiety and helps to lose weight by reducing abdominal fat.

Note that the cucumber contains 96% water and only 45 calories in whole, it's to consume without moderation!

How can you eat cucumber to lose belly fat?

- Add a few slices of cucumber with breakfast.

- Prepare a cucumber salad by adding some lemon juice fillet, pepper, salt or vinegar, some herbs and olive oil to make a tangy treat.

- Nibbling cucumber when hungry.

How to keep the cucumber?

- We can keep it in the crisper of the refrigerator for one or two weeks.

- Protected with plastic wrap.

- Avoid keeping the nearby fruit, releasing ethylene, help to increase the bitterness of the cucumber.

Visit our website that contains many solutions on weight loss and natural beauty: http://bestweightlosskey.com.

For men who are interested in losing belly fat, may be interested in: how to burn chest fat

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Youssef_Smaili/2187107

Can I Help With The Secret Food to Lose Belly Fat Easily

The balance between eating right and exercise can help us reduce weight easily. Learn about the different foods, which are beneficial for weight loss and step in the path of weight loss. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle rather focusing on starving.


Breakfast like a king is the key to weight loss. People who want to lose weight easily should eat fiber-rich oatmeal that stays in your stomach for hours. Snack attack increases the blood sugar levels so avoid sugary flavored varieties or stave off from doughnut.


Almonds and walnuts are the best nuts, which can help you, lose fat fast. Nuts help in keeping one full for longer period of time. However, do not overeat and skip salted nuts as those are not healthy.

Olive oil

Olive oil is always a good option as it helps in keeping cholesterol under control and satisfies cravings. The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil are best and they are not loaded with unhealthy trans fat.


If you love fruits then go with berries. Add it to your oats, wheat flakes, or salads and make it an interesting food. Berries have lots of filling fiber in them. Go for strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or any other berry for a healthy lifestyle. However, jelly is not a good option.


Eggs contain vitamin B12, which helps in metabolizing fat. People who eat eggs have been found to lose weight than those who ate bagels every morning. People who have high level of cholesterol in their body should avoid eggs completely.


Beans are low in calorie and are packed with protein and fiber. It is the best food as it helps in toning up the body and losing weight. You can always make bean dish and add it into your burritos or tacos for a healthy combination.

Lean meat and fish

You body burns more calories when digesting protein. Fish such as tuna and salmon are full of omega 3 and thus helps in preventing stress chemicals that promote fat abs.

Green vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are added with fiber and are also low in calories. You can start your meal with a salad made from arugula, romaine or spinach for a healthy diet.

Herbal medicines

Herbal medicines are the best way to lose belly fat. Popping two tablets a day can make you live smart and fit.

Herbal cart is an US based company that sells different products related to health, skin and weight loss. Besides, these herbal medicines, many other kinds of medicines are available triggering men's health and women's health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Maria_R_Teresa/2110235

Top Ten Worst Foods for Belly Fat To Take

Are you a foodie? Does the sight of all those delicacies dripping with fat and oil make your mouth water? If your answer is yes, then it probably means that you sport body fat in the shape of a pot belly. You know the one. The extra flab hanging from the waistband of your jeans. Not very attractive is it? The added weight, not to mention the cruel jeers and gawking, doesn't help either. Well, you can avoid all that embarrassment by steering clear of some delicacies which only serve to pack on pounds.

Many individuals do not care whether the food they are shoveling down their mouth is harmful or beneficial for them. In fact, the individuals that eat such food need to realize that these types of food is responsible for at least 80% of the belly fat they accumulate. Have no fear though. By reading on you can at least make sure that you avoid the 'eats' which can make your body fat soar.

There are several food stuffs which are responsible for the increase in heart diseases in the West, 10 of which are common and especially harmful. It may be excruciatingly painful, not to mention heartbreaking, to peruse this list. By avoiding them you can not only do a complete turnover regarding your social life, but the reduced weight (not to mention posterior) will help boost your confidence and benefit your health in the bargain as well.

10 Worst Foods For Belly Fat

As mentioned before, knowing what not to eat is as important as knowing which type of food is beneficial for you. The following list consists of 10 food stuffs which should be avoided by the regular consumer if he/she wants to maintain their 'slim' figure.

Trans Fat

Trans Fat refers to those man-made fats which are forced into the food you like so much. These are usually processed fats, created to entice the appetite of the individual so that they gorge themselves to the limit. It's made through a process called Hydrogenation which is a chemical process in which hydrogen atoms are added to a compound. When this is applied on vegetable oil, the bond created transforms the liquid to a semi-solid state. The metabolism of this flavor enhancing product proves unfamiliar to the human body. This means that the body finds it difficult to break down these fats, making the process of digestion a painful one indeed. Some products which contain this weighty ingredient are baked food, fried food, margarine, spreads, etc.

White Sugar

Ah, candy. The other pink, red, yellow (the list goes on) meat. One bite of these delectable treats is enough to make you high. Unfortunately, these highly addictive confectionaries contain white sugar in them which is not only harmful for your body, but does a job on your pearly whites too. This refined delicacy is also responsible for raising insulin levels in the blood. This depresses the immune system, making the body vulnerable to germs and diseases. This change can also lead to weight gain as Insulin promotes the storage of fat in the body. Furthermore, white or refined sugar does not contain any vitamins or minerals. This makes it harder to digest as the above mentioned products are essential to boost one's metabolism.

White Flour

Even though white flour was initially intended to be a basic kind of food, heavy refinement leads to the decrease in its nutritional value. Like sugar, the body treats this fatty product as a carbohydrate and stores it in its entirety. This leads to a rapid rise in one's blood sugar levels, which then decreases at the same rate. In other words, you start feeling hungry only a little while after you've eaten anything which contains this product, which, of course, leads to weight gain. Usually, baked goods contain white flour as their main ingredient like pizza, doughnuts, etc. It's best to stay as far as possible from such appetite enhancing food if you want to lose that belly fat.

Milk and Dairy products

If body fat is more important to you than your calcium intake, then you should probably stay away from dairy products. Most dietitians are of the opinion that fat content in such 'milky' products is responsible for weight gain. That's not completely true. It's the body's inability to break down these pasteurized products rather than the fat content which is more worrying. These milk derivatives have also been accused of being the number one allergen today, making their consumption a 'weighty' matter indeed.

Fizzy Drinks

Sodas are the worst enemy for those who want to lose weight. Why? It's because these colorful and bubbly drinks contain a great deal of 'empty calories', which don't provide any health benefits, but instead, contain large quantities of refined sugar and artificial additives. The body finds it difficult to store such refined products, leading to the accumulation of fat. Don't think that switching to the low-fat variety will help you any. Diet soda contains aspartame, an artificial, low-calorie sweetener. It does not add any calories to the body, but it does make the body feel hungrier. It's best to stick to water if you want to fit into your clothes.

Alcohol (Beer)

Usually, sporting a 'beer gut' (beer induced pot belly) is a laughing matter for some. The love of beer makes some individuals blind to its harmful effects, and some don't even care to find out. The main ingredient in beer is Alcohol, which greatly dulls the metabolism, making the digestion of food an ordeal in itself. Not only does it promote weight gain, but the consequent deficiency of vitamins and minerals further adds to the dilemma. This boozy product also enhances the appetite. Reduced blood sugar levels in the body make one feel hungry more frequently, thus promoting the accumulation of fat, and the creation of the 'beer belly'.

Fried Food

The most common cause for teen obesity is fast food. This usually consists of a meal containing your regular hamburger, fries and a drink and an extra portion for a minimal additional charge. Many of these fast foods are fried so as to speed up service and subsequently, increase customers. This serves to reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals and increases the quantity of sodium and fat which is rife in such greasy fare. Deep fat frying adds unnecessary pounds to food and the low fiber content slows down the digestive system. If belly fat isn't your idea of chic, then it's best that you stay away from these greasy concoctions.

Salad Dressing

No your eyes are not deceiving you. Now you know why your belly fat isn't reducing even though you follow a salad-based diet. Believe it or not, this creamy concoction sometimes contains dairy products in its list of ingredients which, as mentioned before, the body finds difficult to digest due to its high fat content. If this isn't enough to scare you, then the hundreds of unpronounceable ingredients on the back of salad dressing bottles should make you wary. Who knows what you are putting in your body! The best way to lose weight, and maintain your salad-based diet, is to avoid eating in restaurants. Don't be fooled by the 'low fat' label of their 'salads'. The dressing they use is rarely fat free.

Sodium (Salt)

This element, when combined with chlorine, gives rise to table salt, which is the culprit in many a greasy confectionaries. Believe it or not, excess amounts of this element leads to weight gain and even obesity, if not controlled. How? When sodium intake exceeds the amount of the same element in the body, it tends to build up within the kidneys and intestines. These organs then have to work extra hard to excrete this excess salt, leading to a buildup of extra fluid in the body. This ultimately, leads to increased blood pressure including extra weight gain from the water. So, if you want to lose weight, it's best to regulate your sodium intake. Don't eliminate it from your diet altogether!


Yes, Pasta! This delicious snack is the culprit behind many distended bellies because of its wheat-based ingredients. A high metabolic rate is essential to burn fat effectively and the wheat-based ingredients in pasta slow down the digestive process. This leads to bloating, which can also lead to weight gain. This product is recommended for the athletic type, as the low amount of fiber makes it a slow energizer. So, unless you are susceptible to daily marathons, it's best to stay away from this oh-so-delicious snack.

Body Magic

Hopefully, this survey has proved to ruin your appetite for all the junk and greasy food you love to cram down your throat. If you want to keep your feet within your sight, then it's best to consume food which actually benefits you health wise, rather than ones which only serve to give you a brief high. A brief period of withdrawal is better than the embarrassment you will face if you get stuck in the elevator!

If you want a bit of body magic, then you best stick to green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, etc. These greens are high in fiber and energy, both of which will provide you with that extra oomph to remain lively and efficient the entire day. In addition, the slim look of the reshaping garment will do wonders for your figure and your confidence while you are losing the weight. Kim Laney

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kim_Laney/129086

Top 6 Of the Best Foods to Eat After a Workout

You might not always feel hungry immediately after a workout, but no matter what type of exercise you do, whether it's cardio or strength training, your body needs to refuel; it needs calories and nutrients to restore muscle glycogen and begin the muscle repair process. It is better to depend on whole foods instead of supplements because they are digested more easily by the body and contain essential nutrients that you need. You should choose a snack that is balanced in protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Read the list below for some ideas on the best foods to eat after a workout:

1) Chocolate Milk

Low fat chocolate milk contains all of the nutrients you need to recover. After drinking some, your body will feel good as new.

2) Juice and an Egg

Aim for 100% juice without tons of added sugar. Orange juice is a good choice because it is rich in vitamin C. An egg provides the perfect amount of protein that you need after working out.

3) Peanut Butter and Graham Crackers

These are a convenient, healthy snack for you to pack with you when you work out. You will get plenty of healthy fats, carbs, and protein with just two tablespoons of peanut butter and four crackets.

4) Yogurt

This is one of the best foods to eat after a workout! A portion of yogurt will provide you with calcium and other beneficial vitamins and minerals. It also contains good amounts of carbs, protein, and fat that will reenergize you. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which are the helpful bacteria that fight against infections.

5) Fresh Fruit Any type of fresh fruit is great as a post-workout snack. They contain a decent amount of nutrients to replenish your body. You can pair fruit along with a protein rich snack for extra nutrients.

6) Hummus and Pita. This is a great carb/protein combination. Hummus provides you with both carbs and protein. A whole wheat pita contain plenty of energy rich carbohydrates that will keep you energized for hours.

If you weren't sure what the best foods to eat after a workout are... now you know and can try them all! They can all be switched around with other healthy foods if you don't prefer an item. Remember to always drink plenty of water along with your snack to feel even more energized. Without energy and water after a workout, your body won't be able to function properly.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Emmy_E_Bill/1211749

Top Workout Nutrition - Top 10 Great Pre Workout Foods

Man doesn't live by pasta alone - or at least he shouldn't. While this low fat, high carbohydrate food has become an important meal for fitness enthusiasts, there are plenty of other low fat, high carbohydrate, workout-aiding foods that can boost your workouts and are more convenient. The following are among the best choices.

1. Bagels - Bagels are high in carbohydrates, low in fat, convenient and delicious.

2. Bananas - Just peel and eat - no sticky juice or bothersome pits. What you do get is plenty of potassium, which can help head off leg cramps.

3. Broccoli - Considered by some to be the single best vegetable there is, broccoli falls short in the carbohydrate department, but a meager half-cup provides an entire day's worth of vitamin C, two grams of fiber and two grams of protein.

4. Carrots - Each carrot has only 31 calories, more than 7 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.3 grams of fiber. Plus, it's the single best source of vitamin A you can find, which protects against cancer and can boost immunity.

5. Grape Nuts - Grape nuts contain more carbohydrates per bite than other cereals, and they're so dense.

6. Instant Beans - These days, several manufacturers make "beans in a cup" that are microwaveable, nutritious, and cheap. If you want a snack or meal on the run, just pop them in the microwave and you're getting a low fat, high carbohydrate food that's easy to eat and good for you.

7. Leftover Pizza - The breakfast of champions... or at least bachelors. But don't laugh. Pizza is high in carbohydrates and relatively low in fat if you don't slam it with pepperoni, sausage, or fat-laden cheeses.

8. Sweet Potatoes - Packing nearly 28 grams of carbohydrates, 3 and a half grams of fiber, and 2 grams of protein, this 117 calorie tater is among the top choices for guys who hate to cook.

9. Toaster Waffles - Frozen waffles can have less fat than homemade ones, with no irons to clean afterward. Plus, each heat-and-eat waffle has about 14 grams of carbohydrates and 2 and a half grams of protein.

10. Yogurt - This high-calcium snack makes for the perfect pre-workout snack. Calories range depending on its fat content, but all yogurt is a good source of vitamin B12, riboflavin, protein and carbohydrates.

Remember, not only must you train hard, you must also eat right in order to achieve the healthy and lean body you desired.

Download your FREE "Training and Nutrition" special report and learn the 5 secrets to get rid of your excess belly fat [http://www.truth-about-abs.net] fast and develop a lean body at [http://www.truth-about-abs.net].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Lanford/277248

Discover Now The Top 10 Energy Foods For Power Workouts

Energy Used During Workout

Our bodies rely on proper food as the fuel to drive all of our functions. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the functions different food serve. The proteins, fats, and carbs of your diet are converted into energy through a process called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is broken down and releases energy making muscles movement possible. Each type of nutrient plays a role in ATP differently.

Carbs are your strongest fuel, providing energy for high power exercise, whereas fats are good for longer and lower energy activities.

Proteins will play more of a role in repair and maintenance after the workout as they rebuild and repair muscle. It is important to remember the different roles foods play, as you structure your power workouts.

Necessary Nutrients

• Calcium

• Magnesium

• Iron

Vitamin B

• Potassium

• And more!

Top Foods That Fuel Your Power Workouts

1. Bananas are great to eat before a workout because they are full of digestible carbohydrates and potassium. The carbs are the primary fuel for your workout and the potassium will assist you in nerve and muscle performance.

2. Eggs are an easy way to meet your body's protein requirement, with 10% protein packed in just one egg. The protein inside eggs are the most complete of any food protein, and they are packed with important amino acids. Eating eggs is a great tool to encourage healthy workout recovery.

3. Black beans contain a healthy balance of the necessary carbs and protein. The carbs in these beans are rich in fiber, resulting in a slower breakdown and increased workout stamina. They also have folate, a vitamin contributing to cardiovascular health. Never underestimate the power of beans.

4. Fruit smoothies are full of nutritious fruits, rich in carbs and protein. The carbs of your smoothie supply fuel for the workout, and the proteins are slowly broken down for muscle repair.

5. Dark chocolate totes antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, both of which can help in a more successful workout routine. It is good to know you can have your chocolate, and muscles too. It has even been shown to lower cholesterol with moderated consumption.

6. Whole grain bread is a good source of necessary carbs, or fuel. Use whole grain bread as the base for a pre-workout snack with a slice of shaved chicken, almond butter, or peanut butter.

7. Sweet Potatoes are low in calories, but they are very rich in carbs and vitamins. Carbs and potassium fuel the workout, and vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and other minerals contribute to increased performance.

8. Coconut oil is a "medium-chained" fat, meaning it is easier to digest than other fats commonly consumed. This oil will assist in increased energy and metabolic efficiency.

9. Oats contain a ton of fiber. This means that as the oats break down, carbohydrates are slowly administered into the bloodstream. This helps keep energy levels up throughout the whole workout. Oats also pack lots of vitamin B, which assists in the body's energy conversion.

10. Avocados provide the body with a healthy source of fat to promote stamina. They are also powerful in vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin K, and more. They also contain vitamin B, which plays a huge role in energy of the body.

Ideas For Post Workout Eating

• Greek yogurt with your choice of granola and fruit

• Hummus and pita

• Chicken with whole grain pasta

• Whole grain bread with almond butter

• Tuna fish and brown rice crackers

• Salmon, brown rice and salad

• Cereal with organic milk

• Egg white omelet with veggies

• Chocolate milk

By adding ingredients to your diet that are rich in vitamins and nutrients you will pack a powerful punch into your workout routine. Provide your body with the right balance of carbs, fats, and proteins and you will learn to meet and then exceed your fitness goals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Moataz_Elzieny/321206

Top 3 Tricks to Having the Best Fat Burning Workout!

Are you sick of chasing that dream body? How many times have you tried to burn off the fat to no avail? There's a million different opinions on what you should and shouldn't do in order to burn off fat in the fastest time possible.

Here is 3 tricks that - if done correctly - work magic and can really get you on the path to finally having 'that' body that we all crave including what has been proven numerous times to be the best fat burning workout.

Firstly: What you eat is important BUT how about WHEN you eat? Most people hear day in and day out what foods are 'good' and 'bad' for them but what they don't realize is that many of those 'bad' foods are actually just not used the way they should be.

For example: Most diets stress low or no carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are foods such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, noodles etc. These foods are made to give your body energy to get through the day but most people consider them to be 'dinner' foods.

Dinner suggests that your day is coming to a close and you won't need much energy while you sleep therefore the carbs end up being stored as fat, hence the misconception about them being bad for you.

Therefore the time to take carbs is in the morning. Breakfasts and early lunches are the perfect examples to get your carbs in and you should aim for at least 50% of your carbs if not more to be taken in before 5pm. Carbs are your friend if you treat them right!

Secondly: And now... Proven time and time again as the best fat burning workout is interval training. Although the name may sound somewhat intimidating, it's actually a very simple regime. Alternating intervals of high and low intensity training.

To give an example that almost anyone can use immediately without the need of any machines or weights I'm going to demonstrate it with stair climbing.

A light jog for 4-5 minutes is a good starting point to warm up, as warming up before exercise is crucial for healthy training. The interval training would begin with 1 minute of high intensity stair climbing (i.e. climbing quickly) followed by 1.5 minutes of low intensity climbing (i.e. climbing slowly, almost walking).

The 2 intervals are alternated 5-6 times each totaling 12.5-15 minutes of actual training and allowing 4-5 minutes for the warm up and 3-4 minutes for a light jog cool down at the end.

Thirdly: By far the MOST important thing I can say in this article is the following. Knowing what and when to eat can be great, the right kind of training can be even better, HOWEVER, if any of those things are not done consistently you will NOT see any results.

The most important lesson you can apply to your habits is consistency and the will to keep going, even when it feels like all you want to do is feel sorry for yourself. At the end of the day, you need to have a serious think about your life and if you are truly happy with where you're at.

And if you continue this way and don't change anything, where will you be in a year from now? How about two? Or five or even TEN? Is that the kind of life you want to live?

Some great news is that there are in fact ways of helping you to stay committed and stay on track by making things as easy as possible for yourself and following on with the working smart not hard method, for example by not eliminating the foods you love such as chocolate, pizza and burgers and by not having to spend ridiculous amounts of time at the gym or even having to join a gym!

To watch a free video [http://howtogetflatabsnow.com] on how you can take full advantage of this and learn the complete system, visit [http://howtogetflatabsnow.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jonathan_Seetman/670944

What's The Best Secret Food for Natural Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding The Natural Way

Looking at some of the best natural bodybuilding supplements on the market thre are two ingredients common to most of them. The first is hemp seeds or hemp seed powder shows up in many of them because of it's incredibly high percentage of protein - 24% by weight. And second is Maca powder, which natural bodybuilder rave about. Looking further into the nutritional details of Maca, I discovered that there's a very good reason for that.

Why Natural Bodybuilders Love Maca Powder From Peru

I uncovered 7 major reasons why people interested in building their bodies naturally use and recommend Maca Powder.

Maca raises energy in a balanced way - Let's face it, if you want to build your body, you've got to exercise and move and to do that you need energy. One of the properties of Maca is that it boosts energy, but it does so in a balanced way, unlike caffeine, carbohydrates or sugar. This gives you increased endurance and muscular stamina which allows you to work out longer and more intensely. Interestingly, a boost in energy is one of the reasons people indigenous to the Peruvian Andes have traditionally used Maca. At high elevations where oxygen is scarce, Maca supports faster muscle recovery. Maca nutritional profile
Maca is a good source of quality protein - Maca powder contains 4 grams of protein per tablespoon. There is some debate among natural bodybuilders as to how much protein a person should have daily, but the average recommended is about 1.5 grams per 1 KG of body weight. If you weigh 60 KG, for example, you would take 90 grams of protein or so. That figure is based on animal proteins, which are harder for the body to assimilate. Vegetarian bodybuilders need to consume less protein because the body breaks down plant proteins easier. Maca, although not nearly has high as hemp seeds in quantity, is indeed a high quality source of vegan based protein. If you take just 2 tablespoons per day, you already get 8 grams of protein in addition to Maca's other benefits.
Maca is anabolic - The word "anabolic" itself means "building up muscle," and that's something Maca helps to do. Several of the natural bodybuilders I researched attest to this fact. Jeff Anderson of naturalbodybuildingtips.com says: "My day always starts with a protein shake. This typically consists of a vegetarian protein source like rice, pea or hemp protein, or some combination of the three. Blend 30-40 grams of protein in 8oz of organic coconut milk and 8-12 oz water. I also add a banana, some mixed frozen berries, a Tbsp of cacao nibs, and 2 Tbsp maca powder to naturally increase my testosterone to build more muscle."
Maca balances hormones for both men and women - Maca works as an adaptogen, which means that it adapts to the needs of a specific body based on health condition and gender. Both men and women can benefit from taking Maca for increased athletic performance and bodybuilding because it stimulates the production of balanced levels of appropriate hormones: testosterone for men and estrogen for women. That makes Maca unique among all supplements for muscle building.
Maca reduces the size of the prostate - Studies have shown that Red Maca in particular reduces the size of the prostate gland. This is important of course for older men. But it's also important for any males who have ever tried steroids of any kind. Steroids enlarge the prostate, which can lead to some life threatening consequences. Taking Red Maca appears to remedy the situation.
Maca is suitable for vegan and raw food vegan bodybuilders - There are some amazingly accomplished natural bodybuilders who've created their strength exclusively through raw food vegan foods. Quality Maca, like ours is always vegan (unless in gelatin capsules) and raw (not treated with heat) except for Gelatinized Maca.

Does Maca Really Work as A Supplement For Muscle Gain?

Although Maca has been used for over 3000 years stretching all the way back to Incan warriors who took it in training and preparation for battle, it only became known outside of Peru in the 1980s. Since then natural bodybuilders and athletes have used it in their training. Here are few examples:

Stephen Alrin (a.k.a Thor Bazler), author of "Raw Power - The Power of Raw Foods, Upwerfoos and Building Strenght and Muscle Naturally" has used Maca for years and includes it in all his natural raw food bodybuilding supplements.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger of http://www.naturalnews.com says this about Maca: "Many bodybuilders use instead of artificial steroids have long been on the natural power of Maca tuber. Maca naturally stimulate the body's own production of testosterone and it gives visible results in strength and endurance sport."
Peter Ragnar, who has performed various world class feats of strength as a 100% raw vegan, told us that he has gotten great gains in strength using Maca and hemp seed powder.
Finally, Bijan Anjomi, who captured the title of "Mr. Universe - Natural Division" three times - in the years 1993 and 1994 at ages 51 and 52 - - and finally in 2003 at age 60, did so as a vegan and taking Maca.

Maca is now also making it's way into the mainstream. Here's what Dr. Oz said about it on Oprah Winfrey's website:

"In the heights of the mountains, Peruvian tribesmen get energy by sucking on maca (Lepidium meyenii) plants. This turnip-or radish-shaped vegetable from the mustard family has been used as food and medicine, to promote endurance and improve energy, vitality, sexual virility and even fertility. The data on its increased energy effects seem strong, but the reported side effect is insomnia. It can be obtained in a powder at many stores (Whole Foods, etc.) or from reputable dealers on the Internet. A single teaspoon (that's the dose in the studies) can be added to blender drinks, pancakes and other food products. The teaspoon keeps you going all day long."

How Much Maca To Take For Natural Bodybuilding

Most bodybuilders and athletes I know and talk to take between 1 and 3 tablespoons of Maca per day. At those levels one kilo (2.2 lbs.) of Maca powder will last 45-60 days.

Finally if this article has you curious, I invite you to check out the best selection of Maca Products and Maca information anywhere. Red, Black, Cream, Gelatinized Maca and more from The Maca Team. http://www.raworganicmaca.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mark_A_Ament/186948

What Should You Eat After An Intense Workout? Take The Best Post Workout Meal

Something that bodybuilders take very seriously is what to eat after a workout. If you ever watch bodybuilders or just normal gym goers who follow bodybuilding advice, they will workout and once this is finished they will rush to their locker as quickly as possible to eat something. Usually this will be something like a sweet drink and also a protein shake with about 60g, and then proceed to eating as much as possible. Is this a good thing to do? Lets take a look.

I specialise in building up the fitness model looking physique. These guys have a natural amount of muscle and are also very toned. Here is what I recommend to eat after a workout. The best post workout meal is 250ml of low-fat milk, with a tablespoon of chocolate powder. I use chocolate Nesquik, and also add a scoop of whey protein.

Why is this the best post workout meal?

In the chocolate powder and the milk are simple sugars, which have the biggest effect on insulin, which is a storage hormone. After a high intensity workout, your muscles are damaged and need repairing. The protein in the milk helps with this repair process and so does the added whey protein. If you are low on money, skip the whey protein and just have 2 glasses of chocolate milk. I am mildly lactose intolerant so I personally have 1 glass with the added whey protein. We want to keep the milk low-fat, or even non fat because we want this post workout meal to absorb as quick as possible into the muscle cells. Fat as a macronutrient slows down the digestive process, which is great for most occasions, but not on the occasion after working out where we want quick digestion and absorption for the best post workout meal. I just want to go on record and say I don't think that the post workout meal is as important as everyone makes out, it has been proven to be beneficial but just not as important as the bodybuilding community will have you believe.

When Should You Take This Best Post workout Meal?

This is where it gets interesting, and is dependent upon your goal. If you are bulking up, I suggest you wait for an hour. Yes, wait an hour. There is another hormone in your body that you can really take advantage of, and this is HGH. After an intense workout, your HGH hormone is highly elevated and this is a great hormone for muscle-building and fat burning. Wait an hour to take full advantage of HGH and then take the best post workout meal to take advantage of insulin's storage effects. If you want to burn fat, it is best to fully take advantage of HGH and wait for about 2-3 hours before taking the best post workout meal.

Michael McIntyre is a trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a body that has "The Hollywood Look". Get the slim & toned physique like your favourite Hollywood icon by going to my website http://somebodylied.com. If you enjoyed this post about the best post workout meal, click the link and find out where you can order some top quality whey protein.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michael_David_McIntyre/1185900

Best 5 Ab Exercises To Tone Your Tummy To Take?

Doing the right exercises is vital if you want to tone your tummy. Keep in mind that getting a trimmer tummy takes time and you have to put into practice an effective exercise regime and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

1. Crunch

Crunches isolate and tone your tummy muscles but remember that they will not help to burn the unwanted fat that rests on top of your those muscles. To burn off excess fat, you'll need to do some cardio workouts and resistance training where you are working out with weights.

Lie flat on your back with your feet resting on the floor with your knees bent. Place your hands to the side of your head and lift your shoulders slowly off the floor about four inches while keeping your lower back straight and hold this position for one second. Lower your shoulders back down to the floor and repeat for as many reps as you can manage.

2. Dumbbell Renegade Row

The dumbbell renegade rows builds strength in your back muscles, biceps, and triceps. It is performed like a regular press up, but instead of your hands being flat on the floor you hold onto the dumbbell bars. You then lift one dumbbell up to chest height by flexing elbow and pulling with your back muscles. You then repeat on the other side. You'll need to keep your core tight during this exercise to maintain balance which makes it a good exercise to tone your tummy.

3. Russian Twist

This is a great exercise to tone your tummy muscles at the side of your midsection. Grab a single dumbbell and sit on the floor and lift your feet off the ground with your knees bent. Twist your torso and move your arms to one side as though you were about to place the dumbbell down beside you but stop just before it touches the ground. Then twist your torso and do the same on the other side. Do as many reps as you can manage.

4. Dumbbell Wood Chop

The dumbbell wood chop copies chopping wood with an axe. The movement consists of swinging a dumbbell with both hands in a diagonal line from the side of your hip to above shoulder level. This will help tone your tummy due to the fact that your stomach muscles provide support to the core area while your hips, shoulders, and oblique muscles act as stabilizers.

5. Plank

The plank tests your stamina while developing strength in your shoulders, back, glutes, and abdominals. This exercise will help you to tone your tummy since it primarily works the rectus and transverse abdominis muscles. To do a plank, lie on the floor face down. Then lift your body off the floor by resting on your forearms with your upper arms directly under your shoulders. Keep your feet together and balance on your toes to support the weight of your body. Make sure you keep your back flat like a plank. Hold this position for as long as you can while keeping your abs tight the whole time.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? For nutritional tips, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please visit http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948

How to Get Secret Top Toned Abs Fast!???

This is a no nonsense guide to how you get toned abs fast. No rubbish, no fluff, just good effective content. If you think this can happen in a day unfortunately you are kidding yourself. However if you follow these guidelines to the letter you can expect to:

* Get Toned Abs Fast
* Healthy Way of Living
* Improved Look and Confidence

There is no one big secret to toning your abs. We will be focusing on 3 things, Diet, Sit-ups and Cardio. The real secret is in consistency. If you consistently eat good food and commit to working hard, toning abdominal muscles becomes EASY!

A Good Diet To Get Toned Muscle Fast

It all starts with the diet folks. If you have a habit of eating fast food, drink lots of high sugar soda and just can't say no to chips and candy guess what? You are going to find it a lot harder than people who don't.

How much do you want to get toned abs and a ripped six pack? Then listen up. Get down to the shop and order a Men Health magazine for ideas on meal plans. Change to slow releasing complex carbohydrates like baked potatoes, whole grain bread and rice. Some good protein sources include Chicken, Turkey, Eggs and Cottage Cheese. You want to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Cut out all the rubbish. Why are you eating things that you are trying to work off? See the end for information on diet.

Killer Exercises For Toning Your Abs Fast

OK, here is the real truth. When Peter Andre was at his height in the 90's with his ripped six pack, in an interview that he gave he was asked, how do you get abs like that. The answer "I was basically doing about 400 different kind of sit-ups every day". When new boy bands go in to training with top personal trainers their exercise routines also include over 400 reps of different kinds of sit-ups a day.

This is the secret.....

Consistently working your abs from all angles daily is the fast way to get toned stomach muscles. Exercises include The Plank, Leg Raises, Chin-up bar raises, Crunches, Oblique Twists, Regular Sit-ups. With these kind of exercises you will be building up toned and cut muscles that is underneath your current level of fat. However this is only half the battle. We also so need to burn away that annoying belly fat from the top. For a full comprehensive ab routine see the end.

Fat Blasting Cardio for Toning Abdominal Muscles

Cardio is where the magic happens. However 95% of people do not do cardio correctly when they they attempt to get toned abs. People still think that going for long drawn out 1 hour runs is the most effective cardio workout. Would you like to discover what is 10x more effective and takes less than half the time?

The key to winning the cardio game is in anaerobic exercise. This is different to aerobic exercise which you may be familiar with. If is also known as interval training. Where you are mixing up the speeds and never letting your body get used to the pace. It is always changing. For example, a great running routine would be to run at your level 4/10. (1 being walking and 10 being a full sprint)

So jog at level 4 for two minutes. Level 5 for two minutes. Level 6 for two minutes. Level 7 for two minutes. Level 8 for two minutes. Level 9 for two and level 10 for 1. Repeat this process 3x. You will find this kind of cardio a bit of a shock to the system at first, however it has shown to burn more fat than conventional cardio routines.

For complete Diet, Exercise and Cardio workouts follow the link and watch your free presentation on how to get toned abs fast.

Nathaniel is a Fitness and Nutrition Author helping people get the best information on the web. Visit [http://www.GetTonedAbsFast.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nathaniel_Sloane/660058