Lose a Fat Belly - 2 Critical Steps to a Flat and Toned Stomach

For some people the problem of trying to losing belly fat is more than just wanting to look good at the beach or pool or to improve their figure. For some people fat around the Stomach poses a serious health risk and getting rid of it means at least minimizing the risk for life threatening diseases.

Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, whether to improve your looks, self-image or for health reasons the truth about getting great abs will elude most people, and the sad reality is that most will try and fail to improve their mid-section.

In all my years of training and coaching others in the health and fitness arena and in my own personal battle with stomach fat years ago, I have learned what works and what is a complete waste of time when trying to shed the love handles or the spare tire.

Success in obtaining your sexy abs must include two critical components.

The first is diet. When I say diet I am not talking about starving yourself, this mistake will actually make it more difficult to fat in your stomach. I am taking about a proper, wholesome, nutritious and well balanced diet. A diet that is strategic in what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat. This is the first step in fat loss and the reduction of visceral fat.

Cut out all the refined, highly processed, high fat low fiber foods, and eat instead foods that are more plant based, that is your fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. Eat your foods as close to nature as possible. These foods are very high in nutrients and fiber. Fiber is important for fat loss. We need about 20 grams of fiber a day, sad to say most western diets will only give you 3g.

The second critical element is a very strategic, well thought out exercise routine that will incorporate cardio with resistance training, which is aerobics and weight training combined methodically to kick-start your metabolism so it can burn the fat and build muscles.

Jonathon D Koch is a fitness coach and health advocate. He has been helping people lose weight and get in the best shape of their lives for many years. To learn how you can lose a fat belly [http://www.loseafatbelly.com] in 6-8 weeks without back braking, repetitious sit-ups and crunches. Getting a flat stomach is not as hard as you may thing or led to believe, you can get rid of deep visceral belly fats [http://www.loseafatbelly.com/articles/belly-fats-5-things-you-must-do-to-shed-belly-fats/] and reveal your flat sexy abs right in time for spring.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jonathon_D_Koch/420644