Need to lose inches off your waist fast? It seems there are a million theories on how to lose body fat fast. Recently a team of researchers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia have found a little secret that can shed kilograms fast...well 5% body fat in a month.
Who doesn't want to know this really important information at a time when the western world just seems to be getting fatter and fatter. Childhood obesity, they say, is at epidemic proportions. Knowing how to lose inches in your waist has now never been easier.
No need to go to the gym, although you can if you want to, this intense workout I'm about to explain will have you losing inches on your waist in no time.
Of course diet is vitally important in losing weight and for generally staying healthy. You don't need to resort to shake diets, fad diets, wheatgrass diets or any type of diet with this great exercise routine. But when it comes to exercise it seems we are always trying new and different ways to lose weight.
OK so you want to know the secret of losing inches right? Well just hang on.... It is important to know that some body fat is necessary because it acts as insulation, stores energy for us and produces good hormones for us. But too much body fat can strangle vital organs like our heart and we know what that can lead to, physical stress, anxiety and ultimately sometimes even heart attacks and strokes.
So what's the secret to losing 5% body fat off your waist a month which is super fast? It's all to do with a 20 minute intense exercise routine that burns the fat extra quick. So whether you're at home or at the gym jump on the exercise bike or treadmill and sprint/ride for 8 seconds as fast as you can. Make sure your machine is on a medium setting then reduce it for the next step.
Then pedal or jog normally for 12 seconds. Do this for 20 minutes and you will lose 3 times more body fat than if you did a steady exercise bike or treadmill workout for 40 minutes.
You legs should be burning and your chest pumping but the body fat should be dwindling away off the tummy. How easy is that!
Now I mentioned that diet and exercise go hand in hand. So to get the best out of this 20 minute fat blasting workout make sure you're eating the right foods. I'd recommend chicken, tuna, fish and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from the processed takeaway type foods which are usually high in fat and salt. This is will cause your body no end of trouble and just keep piling the fat on.
So how simple is this exercise routine! I know we love new fad type exercises such as Zumba and cross fit and all those other fancy exercise programs. But lets face it the only people they are benefiting are the ones who sell the relevant DVDs as well as gym owners.
Now if you want to know the ultimate secret of losing inches fast in under a week you need to get your hands on this the ultimate fat loss information [] right now. Don't waste another minute!
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