The stomach after child birth is the one area which has undergone a significant change as compared to before you got pregnant. Though you would have put on a few extra pounds all over, it's the stomach, and to a certain extent, the hips which bear the brunt of it all.
The typical changes that you would notice on your stomach are - stretch marks, loosening of your stomach muscles, sagginess and total unresponsiveness to stomach crunches! As you begin your post pregnancy workouts, you begin to lose weight and slowly get back into shape. But the stomach still tends to sag and looks ugly.
Have you been trying to get into your favourite well fitting dress since after delivery? But each time you have tried it on, you could see bulges everywhere. And finally, if you have succeeded in losing the extra weight, it finally fits you well. But do you look the same as before? Have a look at your abdomen - does it fit the same around here? It doesn't... and that's because your stomach is no longer firm and toned.
Then what can we do to get this toned up? When the usual workouts do not yield results, you know its time to get into some customised workouts designed specially for mums like you! These workouts work towards toning the abdominal muscles giving them the much needed strength and firmness.
There are some exercises that you can do while doing your usual chores. The most simple of the list - just breathe in deeply and suck your stomach in. keeping your stomach sucked in, continue breathing normally and continue doing your household stuff or taking care of your baby. This helps to strengthen your stomach muscles and make them more responsive to your workouts.
So you see, achieving a good figure is after all not so difficult. All you need is to identify the right workouts that work effectively to reduce weight along with toning your muscles. Get away from the exhausting aerobics class or the painful and sweaty gym schedules. Losing weight should not become a trauma. Enjoy yourself while losing it off. There are workouts that can be done in the privacy of your own home without having to spend too much of your time on them. This leaves you with ample free time that you can enjoy with your baby. Doesn't this sound like what you have been actually looking for? Well, it is!
Check out some great fun workouts at and start working on that abs right away! Watch your sagging stomach after child birth transform into firm, well toned abs.
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