Are you have trouble trying to get rid of that last chunk of fat on your lower belly? You have lost weight but none of it is ever from your belly? Do you want to know how to lose lower belly fat the right way? Well, I'm about to tell you how to lose lower belly fat in 4 simple steps.
Step 1
Your diet could be the most important factor, and if your still eating junk food then you have got to stop. You need to be eating healthy foods and also not over eating either. It can be very hard to stay consistent with a healthy diet, so what I suggest you do is write down what foods you have eaten in a diary. This will help you keep on track and also remind you of what a great job you have done in the past week at sticking to your diet, and hopefully motivate you to continue on with it.
Step 2
Eating your foods at the right times of day is going to help you on how to lose lower belly fat. If you have time to exercise in the morning, I suggest you do so and then eat breakfast after it. Your body will be in more of a fat burning mode this way. And also make sure to eat 3 hours before going to bed, so then no left over energy turns into fat over night.
Step 3
Start doing regular aerobic exercises like light jogging, bike riding and power walking. Do these types of exercises at least for 45 minutes a day for 5 days a week. I have not said much so far on how to lose lower belly fat specifically, the reason being is because in order to lose the fat of that stubborn area of the body you must lose fat off your entire body at the same time. And when there is no more fat to burn anywhere else your body will burn the fat of the lower belly.
Step 4
Gain more muscle by doing strength training will help you lose weight quicker. The muscle tissues in your body are metabolically active and help burn fat, so the more you have the better. Instead of doing ab exercises by themselves, I recommend doing a full body workout which will mean more muscle, faster fat burning and also will simultaneously be an aerobic exercise at the same time if you get a good sweat going.
I hope these tips on how to lose lower belly fat have help you. I think it is important to establish a healthy diet as a priority before doing anything else. Other wise any amount of exercise you do will be an excuse to eat more junk food.
If you want more information [] on what kind of a diet you should be doing then check out my site where I have reviewed the top weight loss/ dieting products available. Click here [] to see review site.
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