As you probably know, lower stomach fat is one of the hardest places to burn fat. It's the main problem for most people who start losing weight but want that extra last bit to come off - but unfortunately for most people it simply won't happen!
One of the main reasons you end up seeing more lower stomach fat than in other areas of your stomach or even your body is because of a bad posture. Because of gravity and the way you lean over just a little when you're sitting, your stomach fat kind of starts "sliding" down and ends up sitting in what you now see as that little pouch on the lower part of your stomach.
There is a more technically definition of why this happens, but it's kind of complicated and I want to keep this as "reader-friendly" as possible.
Now the other main reason you see a lot of lower stomach is simply because for some reason or another , our bodies tend to store extra body fat in the lower part of our abdominals. I'm not sure why this happens but I would theorize that your body stores the fat lower in your stomach because if there is more fat up closer to your lungs, it would place more stress on your lungs and heart and obviously more weight and stress on that part of your body is never a good thing!
Now one thing that most people don't understand is that when you lose fat, you lose the easiest parts first, then the hardest parts. So if you're a person who tends to put more fat on your lower stomach, butt and legs, that's the last place you're going to lose it from.
You're body simply has it's own unique way of storing fat and to be honest, there's really nothing you can do about it except start losing even more weight so those places don't stick out.
There are a certain number of "fat cells" in each part of your body and unless we figure out how to actually go in and re-arrange our genes, there's literally nothing you can do to help it!
So instead of worrying about how to burn off your lower stomach fat, I suggest simply trying to lose more weight overall. There's no way to do "spot-reducing" and the fat is going to end up where it's genetically designed to end up, there's no way around it.
Jeremy Reeves is a certified personal trainer who works everyday to helping people lose the weight they want to lose in the easiest and simplest way possible. His FREE new report, "The 7 Deadly Fat Loss Sins", shows you exactly how to do that! Go to [] to grab your free copy of his report.
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