5 Tips to Lose Arm Fat

Looking for tips on how you can lose arm fat? What we are talking about here is that ugly extra skin and fat that hangs beneath your upper arm and swings when you walk or move. It is embarrassing and annoying, and very hard to get rid of. Below is a list of 5 tips that will help you lose arm fat for good.

Tip #1: Do cardio exercises. These exercises help you burn calories and help you lose arm fat as well as weight overall. You may not have extra weight in any other area, but these are still the best for getting rid of flabby arms. Forty five minutes to an hour of cardio for five day each week is ideal.

Tip #2: Eat healthy. Again, although you may only want to concentrate on how to get rid of your arm flab, overall nutrition plays a vital role in making this happen. Cut your current calorie count by taking in 500 less calories and combine that with cardio, and you will see results quickly.

Tip #3: Don't try to tone up until after you lose arm fat. Doing weight training exercises for your arms is not recommended until you first lose weight because it takes longer to lose weight doing those. You may also eventually end up looking bigger because you will be building muscle.

Tip #4: Drink water... lots of water! Drinking water makes it much easier to lose arm fat. Hydrating your body increases your metabolism making it burn fat more quickly.

Tip #5: Keep track. Have someone measure your arms each week (not more often), and keep track of your progress. This will help you stay encouraged because sometimes the weekly progress is so subtle that you may not notice it until you actually measure you arms.

You may also want to add go sleeveless to your lose arm fat routine.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Williams