Running is the best cardio exercise for burning fat and losing weight within a reasonable timeframe. With just a couple of running sessions each week, you will notice a massive decrease in fat deposit around your waistline. Then be assured, that the belly fat you been struggling with is off for good.
So here are the 3 running strategies for burning belly fat effectively and time wisely:
The proper warm-up
I can't stress this enough but a proper warm-up is the cornerstone of a successful running workout. Many beginner runners start off too fast only to suffer from early fatigue or even injury. Obviously this is a big mistake that can cost you a lot.
Therefore, you should start off your running sessions with some brisk walking for at least 5 minutes; this will get your body ready for the exercise by stimulating blood flow and providing oxygen to your joints and working muscles. You also have the option to do some ballistic stretching but beware of pulling a muscle.
High intensity interval training
Although running for long period of time at a lower intensity pace has its benefits, but for a more belly fat burning workout, you need to push the pace and do some interval running sessions.
Of course, there is no such thing as spot reduction; no exercise regime could be aimed at burning fat in one region while excluding another. Still, many scientific researches suggest that increasing cardio intensity for a given period of time then slowing it down is proved to be most effective at losing belly fat.
The theory behind this claim goes beyond the scoop of this article. My advice to you is to just try it out and see for yourself. Just don't be surprised to find out how effective this approach is!
Low carb diet
Contrary to popular belief in the running community, following a low carb diet for a specific period of time can help you melt away your fat deposit within a realistic timeframe. This low carb diet should not be about restricting entirely you carb intake, instead it should be about picking the right carbs and letting go off the bad ones.
A good guideline to help you with this distinction is the glycemic index food list. You can download this list from the internet and use it whenever you are about to make a diet decision.
By just following the above suggestions I was able to eliminate my belly fat in less than 8 weeks. To find out more about other strategies, go to my website and download my FREE report.
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From David Dack - Running Author and Enthusiast
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