Did you know that calorie counting has nothing to do with weight loss or burning fat? Are you in complete and utter shock?
Usually when you try to lose weight, one of the first things you try to do is to cut calories from your diet. However, any actual weight loss that you may have is, or will be, short lived. These are the makings of a yo-yo dieter - And I'm sure you know who you are. This is where you cut your calories, lose a little bit of weight, and end up gaining more than what your original starting weight was.
You might be asking yourself "Why in the world does this happen? I thought you needed to consume less calories to lose weight?" First of all, the reason why your results from cutting calories are short lived is because the regular, everyday out of the box "diets" which reduces your daily intake of calories actually cause your body to store more fat! That's right - when you cut calories from your diet you are essentially killing your metabolism - it comes grinding to a halt. Your body senses that food will not be available in the near future and begins slowing down your metabolism to make up for the lost calories.
What happens next is that after you go back to your eating habits, which most likely will increase your calorie intake, your body is still in "starvation mode" with a very slow metabolism. You will end up gaining more weight than you originally started with because your normal calorie intake has been met with a slowed down metabolism.
Cutting calories to lose weight fails for many reasons . Beyond slowing you metabolism to a snails pace, there is also a lot of pain involved with starvation. While you may feel that you are accomplishing something by reducing the amount of food you eat, you most likely will be hungry and unsatisfied throughout the day. Your body is just aching to break down and go on a binge the first chance it gets. Soon after, your once strong motivation now crumbles and you are out on a binge looking to cram anything with calories into your mouth, especially high calorie foods like cookies, cakes, and ice cream.
Here is a real life example. Let's say that you normally eat about 2,500 calories per day, but then you decide that you want to starve yourself into weight loss -- so you torture yourself into eating only 1,000 calories per day. Even though you're eating 1,500 fewer calories per day your body will begin burning the equivalent of 1,500 fewer calories per day. Essentially, your weight will remain the same even though you are eating 1,500 fewer calories per day. Next thing you know, the scale is no longer decreasing in weight and you have hit a "weight loss plateau."
Think about this the next time you get ambitious to lose weight and you begin to deprive your body of food in the process. Understand that this will only cause your body to gain more body fat and slow your metabolism in the future, and even if you are very motivated, when going on a starvation diet you cannot expect long lasting results.
Your past weight loss failures are due to a very simple reason. You have been lied to by the gurus of the weight loss industry. The truth is that permanent weight loss can never be achieved by starvation dieting. Permanent weight loss can only be achieved by giving your body the right types of calories at the correct times each day. You can find out more at [http://www.ultimatefatlosssecret.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roger_Kent