Super Foods to Gain Weight Fast - Food Items to Quickly Gain Weight For Muscles

When some people try to gain weight they quickly realize that it's not an easy thing to do, especially if you have skinny genetics with a fast metabolism. When you're trying to gain weight to build muscle you need a complete diet. One of the most important things you need in your diet to gain weight fast is fat.

Food items that provide the right fats are the key to gaining weight quickly. The right fats will help put your metabolism in a weight gaining state, increase your body's production of growth hormone, and provide you with additional benefits related to growing bigger.

Fats have always had a bad image, but they will supply your body with a lot of calories. Anyone that has successfully increased their body weight will tell you that you have to eat more calories than your burning. Fats will provide your body with more than double the amount of calories that protein and carbohydrates do.

This is why you need fat, and around 30 percent of your diet should be fat. However, you must eat the right food items that are high in good fats and low in saturated fats. Some of the best food items to gain weight fast include:

Coconut Oil

Animal Fat ( Lean meat like chicken beast or turkey breast.)




Fish (Fish oil supplements)


Fruits and Vegetables

Decrease eating other fatty foods such as chips, fried food, or fast food. When you gain weight fast it isn't a fluke. Eat the right foods to provide your body with what it needs to build muscle mass fast.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Dowdell