Why Not Try the Quick Way to Burn Fat, Gain Muscle and Lose Weight?

If you are making changes in your workout and diet program for this year let me show you the quick way to burn fat, gain muscle and lose weight in order to jump-start your program. If you been doing a lot of long-duration low intensity aerobic exercise to burn fat, that's great if you combine it with alternate days of strength training to build or maintain muscle mass.

The problem with long-duration low intensity aerobic exercise is that it burns fat temporarily. As the old joke about Chinese food; an hour later your body thinks it needs more fat to keep it healthy so it sends out signals to increase fat storage after your workout is done. This is why performing long drawn out hours of aerobic exercise really won't get to efficient fat loss.

Instead of doing aerobic exercise for fat burning, incorporate a walking program three days a week to complement your high intensity interval training regimen. The walking program won't burn fat as fast but it will definitely help to switch your body over from burning carbs all day long for fuel and get you into burning stubborn belly fat.

If you mix it up a little bit by performing short duration high-intensity aerobics such as jump rope workouts for 15 minutes or wind sprints, you will have a well-rounded fat burning program. Just be sure to drink a lot of water and get lots of rest to allow your body to recuperate and repair your cells.

So you see utilizing high intensity interval training allows your body to fire up on all cylinders. Not only are you influencing your hormonal level to increase the production of muscle building factors, you're also increasing your metabolism while burning fat as well as initializing the thermic effect for long-term fat burning. I hope you're able to take this information and implement a quick way to burn fat, build muscle and lose weight.

This simple solution to get rid of fat [http://fatburningworkoutsforboomers.com] and build muscle at the same time requires careful coordination and diligence. You can lose the fat and gain your strength and endurance if you follow these simple rules. Get my free training on body fat burning, feeling great and getting fit.. click here [http://fatburningworkoutsforboomers.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Francis