Diet And Nutrition Essential For Mental Health: Best Nutrients For Your Mental Health

In addition to providing you with the energy that you need to undertake your daily activities, researchers have found that the food you eat has great impact on your mind. If you are wondering which are the best nutrients to take, here are some of them:


Many research studies have shown that increased intake of folate results to reduced risks of developing depression. Folate has been found to be of great importance to women suffering from pregnancy depression.

You can get folate from vegetables such as spinach and kale. You can also get it from fruits, beans, nuts and whole grains.

Omega-3-fatty acids

Omega-3-fatty acids have mood-stabilizing effects and are used in the treatment of depression. The fatty acids have also been found to aid in boosting the effectiveness of conventional antidepressants. The nutrient is also of great help to people with ADHD.

The highly recommended source of the nutrient is oily fish. For ideal results you should take the fish twice a week. You can also get omega-3 fatty acids from walnuts, olive oil, flax, dark green vegetables and fresh basil.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been shown to play a major role in seasonal affective disorder. This is a form of depression that starts in fall, lasts through winter and subsides during spring and summer months.

This shows that vitamin D has a major role in depression. The best source of the nutrient is by basking under the sun. Here you only need to stay under the sun for 5-30 minutes twice a week. If you are unable to do this you should consider taking certified vitamin D supplements.


When it comes to your drinks you should avoid sugary drinks. You should also avoid drinks that have plenty of caffeine. The reason for this is because sugary drinks have empty calories and tend to damage your tooth enamel.

Researchers have also found that caffeine dehydrates you. When you are dehydrated you feel fatigued which greatly affects your concentration and mood.

If you feel that you need to take caffeine, you should take only one cup of coffee. You should also try tea which has lower amounts of caffeine. Tea also has plenty of anti-oxidants that protect your cells from free radicals.


These are the nutrients that are of benefit to your mental health. If you are suffering with a mental condition, you shouldn't just start taking the nutrients-you should first visit your doctor and he/she will analyze your condition.

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