Fast Fat Loss Program - How to Lose Baby Weight Fast and Keep it Off?

Most new mothers are interested in post-pregnancy diets and this applies whether they had a normal birth or a cesarean and whether or not they are breastfeeding. Perhaps you are concerned about the weight gain you experienced during pregnancy. You might wonder what happened to the shape you used to be but not know what diet to follow or which exercises to do in order to get it back.

Everyone is full of advice. However, before starting any type of lose weight after birth program seek your physicians advice. Your baby's health depends on your health. The best weight loss after pregnancy diet is one which is suited especially for you and your dietary needs. Your diet will only work long term when offering you variety of choice. It must also be scheduled throughout the day. This is something that is easily suited to a new mother.

After pregnancy weight loss diets should always consider the hormones that are involved with pregnancy and postpartum to work effectively. This is true of any worthwhile weight loss program. You want a program that will help you learn how to burn fat while keeping your energy. All mothers know that trying to keep up with children can be taxing as well as enjoyable. To do this properly you must gain and maintain good health and well-being.

By following a sensible fat loss diet, that gives you plenty of nutrients, as well as some of your preferred foods, you will have found a great post-pregnancy diet. For the best weight loss results, you need to shed the pounds in a healthy manner and over a reasonable amount of time. Quick weight loss seldom stays off long term, and can lead to other health problems from not getting enough nutrients.

You cannot expect overnight results, as it took you a few months to put the weight on. If you follow a proper diet, it will start to show results, as long as you stay committed. If you try to take the weight off too quick, your hormones can make you more short-tempered and depressed, not how you want to be with your new baby. Malnutrition will make you more susceptible to colds and other illnesses, if you do not get sufficient vitamins and nutrients from a healthy diet.

Because your body has gone through a lot of changes during your pregnancy, it has had to adjust to the additional weight. You need to get your metabolism burning fat again, which means knowing what to eat and when to eat, in order to get your body back to normal and healthy. Once you have found the diet that works to do all this, you will know it is the best one for you.

Since every new mother is different it is understandable that as with anyone else some things work for us, others do not. It is like that in many things. Maybe that is what makes the world go round. However, when you are a new mother and want to lose your baby fat, keep in mind that you are not alone. It takes time to put on that extra weight.

You'll get back to your pre-pregnancy weight, but it may take some time and a good weight loss plan. Research diets before you choose, the more you know about losing baby fat, the easier it will be to do. Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just the baby fat diet you've been looking for.

Christine G. Shannon uses the Healthy Weight Loss Program [http://fatloss-fast.com/FL4I-1.html] and she lost 22 lbs in 29 days. Get her free Fat-Fighter newsletter and the Fast Weight Loss Secret [http://fatloss-fast.com/FL4I-2.html].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Christine_G._Shannon/277608

Best Fat Loss Diet - Fast & Easy Weight Loss Tips

Is there a best fat loss diet out there? One that will help you lose fat and experience weight loss, but won't have any impact on your muscle mass (except perhaps to make it increase, if that's what you want)? In fact, there is. Perhaps the best fat loss diet out there today is available now, and you can experience it yourself.

So many of us want to lose weight today, but in fact, many of us go about it the wrong way. We focus on total weight loss, not on fat weight loss. However, when it comes to weight loss, what we really want to do is lose the fat and keep the muscle. So the diet we follow has to be the best fat loss diet possible, making fat melt away and helping us feel good, healthy, strong, and best of all, not hungry. There is a diet out there like that, and it's fast becoming a favorite among those who want to lose some fat, not just some weight.

It's called Fat Loss 4 Idiots, and it's unique because when you follow this plan, you are never hungry. Perhaps best of all, though, it's not about deprivation; it's true that when you're "on" the plan, you can't indulge in chocolate cake, but the plan itself focuses on a cycle whereby you do the diet for 11 days, then you eat whatever you want for three days. You follow that up once again with another 11 days on the diet, three days off. When you are on your "three days off" part of the cycle, you can eat that chocolate cake if you so choose. So you never feel tempted to binge because you're never away from your favorite foods for very long.

When you're on the program, during the 11 days, you focus on eating vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein, and some complex carbohydrates. You eat four times a day, every 2 1/2 hours, so that you're never hungry. And you don't count calories or try to control portion sizes, because you eat until you're satisfied but not stuffed. Overeating is going to become a rarity and eventually should be nonexistent, because you'll be eating again in 2.5 hours anyway. So why stuff yourself?

The program does briefly mention exercise, but it's not a central part of the program. If you've been sedentary for a long time and/or if you've got a lot of weight to lose, it's best to focus on some gentle exercising, like moderate walking for 10 minutes. You can always step up your activity once you've lost some weight and have the capability to do it. (Of course, check with your doctor before you undertake any type of exercise program.)

But as easy as it sounds, Fat Loss 4 Idiots really does help you lose weight that will stay off over the long term, and it will help you lose it quickly. The program promises that in that 11 days on the program, you can lose up to 9 pounds. Do as many cycles of the program (11 days on the program, three days off) as you need to until you've reached your goal weight. After that, you can still follow the program if you want to, but you should adjust as necessary so that you don't continue losing weight once you've reached your desired weight.

If you have found that yo-yo diets and magic pills simply don't work, one tool that has been shown to work is Fat Loss 4 Idiots [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]. This is a sensible diet that helps plan meals around your weight loss goal and may be a good product for you to try!

Check this simple, affordable plan designed to leave you satisfied and eating delicious foods while you lose weight without hard exercise.

Learn more about proven diet method at [http://www.fat-loss-4idiots-review.com]

It is completely RISK F-R-E-E for 60 days.

Test it, see if it works for you and if not just get all your money back.


Peter Skotnicky

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Skotnicky/315137

3 Must Know Fat Loss Exercise Program Principles

Ask any man or women why they are starting or currently doing an exercise program, and most will say fat loss. Losing that bulge around your belly and the ugly fat that keeps you from feeling, performing and looking your best is a common goal. Unfortunately, most people don't reach their fat loss goals, even those on a fat loss exercise program. Make your your workout program follows these 3 principles to have the best chance at success.

Your Fat Loss Exercise Program Should Not Sacrifice Fitness, Strength Or Muscle

Yes, your main goal may be to lose fat. But that does not mean you should sacrifice everything else. Do not start an exercise training program that is so single-minded in seeking burning fat, that it sacrifices your fitness, strength or muscle.

The fact is, your fat loss workouts should also improve fitness, increase strength and build muscle. Therefore, when you do lose those pounds of fat, you reveal an attractively athletic body underneath. Even though burning fat is the focus of your workout, don't lose sight of the ultimate goal of your exercise program.

Your Fat Loss Exercise Program Should Be A Combination Of Resistance Training And High Intensity Cardio

When people think of fat burning workouts, they think of long, slow cardio workouts (like jogging, biking, rowing, etc.), in their "target heart rate zone". And frankly, this medium effort workout philosophy fits with many people's personality. They just don't want to work that hard.

But the fact is, you must be willing to put in the effort to reach your goals. The more effort you put in, the faster you burn fat. So, instead of looking for the "easy" way to burn fat... attack the fat with a combination resistance training and high intensity cardio workout. Don't give fat a chance!

Your Fat Loss Exercise Program Should Be Accompanied By A Comprehensive Nutrition Plan

Now, I know this article is about an exercise program to burn fat, but the truth is, your nutrition plan is the most important to reach your body changing goals. You need a nutrition plan that is designed to eliminate fat AND give you the energy you need for your workouts.

"Eat less and exercise more" is the common belief for losing fat. But a better way to think about is "eat better and exercise better". Combining your exercise efforts with a nutritional diet is the best way to eliminate fat and build an attractive body you can be proud of.

Follow these exercise program principles for fat loss and you'll be ahead of the game. And if you want to take a shortcut to finding the right workout program for you, look for a workout program ALREADY getting great results that fits your goals, needs and personality. Then get busy burning the fat and building your best body!

Coach Eddie Lomax knows your fat loss exercise program needs to have certain characteristics in order to be successful. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: www.bestfatlossworkout.com [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com].

Find your best fat loss workout routine [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Eddie_Lomax/23541

Weight Loss Training Exercise Program - Lose Weight With the Best Fat Burning Workouts

You must be prepared for very hard work if you want to burn fat through the weight loss training exercise program. This is particularly because these exercises would force all your muscles to work which would result in weight loss at a very steady pace. However, the training programs would contain numerous props which very effectively make the workouts very interesting.

If you want to lose weight with the best fat burning workouts then you must check out the following points:

Walking: You can shed tons of calories just by walking. For attaining the best results you can change your walking speed after very regular intervals. This exercise would help you to burn fat and you can even stick to it throughout your life.

Lifting Weights: Weightlifting workouts are also very beneficial as they force your body to burn calories at a very steady pace. This high intensity activity would further build up your muscles and tone up your body within few days.

Cardio Kickboxing: When cardio workouts are concerned then the cardio kickboxing can be considered to be second to none. As per the intensity level you can easily burn up to 300-500 calories.

Cross Country Skiing: This exercise is very beneficial and acts as the perfect calorie burner. It would help you to enjoy weight loss by burning around 330 calories per class. Further, you burn fat at a steady pace because both your lower and upper body gets involved in high intensity activities.

Spinning and Cycling: You can opt either for the indoor or the outdoor cycling activity as it is one of the best cardio activities. Quite interestingly, you can burn up to 200-400 calories in case you carry out the activity for at least half an hour.

If a weight loss training program provides you the necessary support with all the aforementioned exercises than you would surely burn fat at a steady pace.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Anna_Holman/50394

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plan - Lose Weight Quickly With One of the Best Diet Plans

A quick weight loss diet plan is rare to find. While there is no such a thing as losing weight overnight, there are diet plans that can actually help you lose a few pounds fast within a week or up to three weeks depending on a few factors about yourself. Most people who are looking for a quick way to reduce weight fast really do want a diet that works and is healthy in the first place. A quick weight loss diet program is not basically based on starvation in order to get rid of weight. Starving yourself to lose weight is unhealthy. Keep reading to find the best weight loss diet I recommend.

Best Online Quick Weight Loss Diet Program

Fat Loss 4 Idiots: This is one of the most popular downloaded diet program on the internet . In the past few years, fat loss 4 idiots has been dominating on line in the weight loss industry as one of the best diet plans for fast weight loss. Many people have used this program and lost weight and that is probably one of the reasons why fat loss 4 idiots is popular. So what is this program all about? Fat loss 4 idiots is based on a concept of "Calorie Shifting" rather that eating low carb, low fat or low calories. Calorie shifting is not about starving yourself either. It means to vary the ratio of foods like proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Fat loss 4 idiots is not a low calorie low carb diet but it has a portion control section that controls the calories and carbs you consume so that you just don't eat anything you want anyways.

The main reasons for shifting calories is to allow metabolism to adjust to your diet and also not to get bored eating same meals all the time. When you use the shifting calorie method such as the one found in this quick weight loss diet program, you speed up your metabolism and keep it high all the time. The end results will be burning more calories than you think. Fat loss 4 idiots also has an on line meal generator which lets you select the foods you like from the list that has a wide variety of healthy foods. This fast weight loss online program is very simple to follow and the techniques that are outlined inside the program itself are proven to work. Fat loss 4 idiots is worthy trying and my only criticism is that it doesn't emphasize exercising. This program can help you lose weight fast but it would be much better if combined with a basic fitness program. Fat loss 4 Idiots claims that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days which can be unrealistic to most people.

Strip That Fat Diet Plan: This is a new weight loss program that I will only say it solves what fat loss for idiots hasn't solved. It uses a "calorie shifting method" just like the program reviewed above and It lets you personalize your diets the way you want too. Strip That Fat Program is easy to use and simple to follow. This is a user friendly program that can solve your weight loss problems. Using this quick weight loss diet plan, you can create your very own diets using It's tool called STF diet tool. It has over 40,000 different two week diet combinations that you can create. It claims that within 2 weeks, you can lose up to 10 pounds. This claim is more realistic than fat loss 4 idiots claim where you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. The rapid weight loss techniques contained in Strip That Fat diet plan are practical and easy to implement. They will help you lose weight fast and they are applicable for long term weight loss. Listen if you have been starving yourself for the sake of losing weight, With this program, you can eat as much healthy foods from it's menu as you want while you are losing weight.

Strip that fat covers the importance of gaining muscle to increase metabolism. Unlike fat loss 4 idiots, it recommends the right exercises you can do in order to increase muscle and burn more calories faster. This program therefore does emphasize the importance of exercising to lose weight fast. It is also cheaper with much updated, useful and detailed information compared to fat loss 4 idiots. Eating healthy foods and a healthy balanced diet such as the menus provided by strip that fat can have a rapid positive effect on weight loss. The proven idea of calorie shifting should also enhance weight loss and make for an effective diet. For those who are in search for a quick weight loss diet plan, strip that fat is worthy to consider. For more information on weight loss Go Here [http://diets.homefitnessworkouts.com]

Sometimes you need help to lose weight. For more information on quick weight loss diet plans and fitness programs Visit: [http://diets.homefitnessworkouts.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Erick_Ndege/235142

Gain Muscle Nutrition - Food Tips to Gain Muscle Right

Food intake is one of the major key to achieve the health and of course the body you want. Whether you are in the body building group or just plain wants to lose pounds. By eating the right food, you will sure that you will not only get the body you want but your health will also be in good hands. In this article you will learn many things about gain muscle nutrition.

Fist thing first, if you already consuming healthy foods, then just continue it or better to add more nutritious food on it. You must also select foods that are high in calories for added energy and stamina. Calories will help you gain healthy muscle. You should also include more starch rich foods such as potato, pasta, legumes and whole grains. You should include some protein rich foods on your diet such as tuna and grilled chicken.

Another thing you should consider in gain muscle nutrition, is that you should have small amounts of fats but avoid too much sugar and sweets. This will only make you gain more fat than muscle. Last thing is that you should stick to the program designed for you. Don't just stick to your diet, move around and do your work outs but don't forget to rest your muscle even once a week. Resting will help ease pain and aches and you will not overwork it. Follow these simple tips and you will soon have the body you want in no time at all.

To discover more secrets about Gain Muscle Nutrition [http://www.musclestrengthtraining.info] all you have to do is Click Here [http://www.musclestrengthtraining.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Pettigrew/433543

Muscle Weight Gain - The Top Ten Low-Budget, Muscle-Building Foods For Muscle Weight Gain

If you have been trying to gain muscle for any length of time, you have probably figured out that training is only half of the equation. For quality muscle weight gain, you must take in more calories than you burn, with a significant portion of them coming from protein. This large food intake can be a huge drain on your wallet, especially when you already have monthly gym dues on your list of bodybuilding expenses. Here are ten, nutrient-dense, muscle-building foods that will help you get the protein and calories you need for muscle weight gain without breaking the bank.

1. Eggs
With 5-6 grams of both protein and fat in each little egg, and with prices as low as a dollar per dozen in some grocery stores, this is a muscle weight gain food that cannot be beat. If you're in serious need of calories to grow, you would do well to eat the whole egg. The yolk contains healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, half of the egg's protein, and several essential amino acids and vitamins that you will not find in the white.

2. Ground Beef (and a tip to make it leaner)
It's not as pretty as a nice steak, but ground beef certainly gets the job done when it comes to building muscle on the cheap. It has 6-7 grams of protein per raw ounce, fat content that varies depending on the leanness, and a price that is sometimes lower than two dollars per pound.

For those worried about the saturated fat content, here is a trick to make fatty beef much leaner. Brown the meat and dump it into a colander in the sink. You can eliminate some of the grease in this first step by pouring it out elsewhere. After you have done this, turn on the faucet and run water over the beef for a few minutes. Toss and turn the beef within the colander while the water runs over it to cause the fat to strain out. Finally, if you want to eliminate a little bit more fat, lay out paper towels on your counter and pour the beef onto them. The towels will soak up what little grease is left from the straining process, giving you much leaner beef than what you started with.

3. Whole Milk
Dairy products often get a bad rap in muscle-building discussions, but whole milk has long been a standby weight-gaining food for bodybuilders focused purely on muscle weight gain. It has 8-9 grams each of protein and fat per cup, and the price is usually around three dollars per gallon (16 cups). This is an especially good food for skinny guys that have trouble bulking up.

4. Peanut Butter
With 6 grams of protein and 16 grams of monounsaturated fats per 2-tablespoon serving, peanut butter is one of the cheapest, easiest, and tastiest ways to up your caloric intake. You can eat it by itself, add it to a protein shake, or even put it in your oatmeal.

5. Potatoes
When aiming for muscle weight gain on a budget, you will do well to ignore the low-carb dieting fad and at least consume a significant amount of carbs at breakfast and around training time. One of the best, cheapest foods for this purpose is potatoes. One medium-sized red potato has 25-30 grams of carbs.

6. Oats
Oats are another excellent source of quality carbohydrates. One cup contains nearly 50 grams of carbs and 6 grams of fiber. In addition to their low cost, they are extremely versatile and convenient. Unlike potatoes, rice, or other good bodybuilding carbs, you can easily take dry, ready-to-eat oats with you anywhere you go.

7. Whey Protein
While you should not focus your budget on supplements, whey protein is one of the best investments you can make in your physique. Most whey powders have about 25 grams of protein per serving, and with prices as low as five dollars per pound (15 servings), they provide the cheapest cost per gram of protein around. Nearly everyone who is serious about muscle weight gain keeps protein powder in their nutritional arsenal.

8. Bananas
Potatoes and Oats can more than cover your carbohydrate needs, but bananas provide a cheap, tasty variation. A single banana provides around 30 grams of carbs, and prices are almost always well under a dollar per pound. You can also combine a banana with a whey protein shake after a workout for a quickly digesting blend of carbs and protein.

9. Olive Oil
Though it is more expensive than other oils, olive oil is still a very cheap source of extremely nutritious mono- and polyunsaturated fats. You can cook your eggs, meat, and potatoes in olive oil, and skinny guys can even add it to a shake to easily up their caloric intake.

10. Tuna
Last but certainly not least on this list of muscle-building foods is canned tuna. Even with rising food costs, a can of tuna still costs well under a dollar and provides 25 grams of very lean protein. You can also buy tuna packed in oil to get twice as many calories for no extra cost!

A Word on Supplements
If you are trying for muscle weight gain on a tight budget, you should make food, not supplements, your priority. No amount of quality supplementation will help you build muscle if your diet isn't even in order. The one exception to this rule is whey protein, which is essentially just a powdered food product.

If you concentrate on these cheap, effective, muscle-building foods, you should be on the right track to gaining heaps of muscle. Don't let your financial situation get in the way of your bodybuilding success!

To learn more about how to achieve muscle weight gain through quality nutrition and hard weight training, visit IntelligentMuscleBuilding.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_P._Adams/57434

Diet Plan To Gain Muscle - The A-Z Of Muscle Building Diet Plans

Without a diet plan to gain muscle, body building would be impossible. Have you ever worked out as hard as you could, following exercise routines that other big guys recommend, only to be disappointed by ZERO muscle gains? If you answered YES, chances are you haven't been following a diet plan to gain muscle. This article will discuss the essential components of any meal plan catered to building muscle.

The first thing you need to know about the diet plan to gain muscle is that it is going to have a LOAD of calories. Such a high energy intake is necessary because building muscle is an energy-consuming process and it consumes A LOT of energy.

20 X bodyweight (lbs) = daily caloric intake

Even this large amount of calories may not be enough for you, so if you don't notice gains, amp it up by another step until you do see results.

Protein is an equally important part of the diet plan to gain muscle. protein is the building block that makes up muscle, and without it, there are no raw materials for your body to use to construct more muscular tissue. Fish, poultry, beef and other meats, eggs and milk are all great sources of protein. Whey protein is another great source of protein very useful around work outs and early in the morning, when a quick source of protein is required.

Good carbohydrates and good oils make up the rest of the diet plan to gain muscle. You may have heard that carbs and fats are bad for you, but this is not the case. Your body absolutely needs both of these things. But in each category there are the good and bad types. Whole grain foods, potatoes, and fruits and veggies are great sources of good carbs, while coconut oil and olive oil fall under the good oil category.

Carbohydrates are important because they are the most readily available energy source, and certain oils are very useful for bodybuilding because they are the precursors to testosterone, your #1 hormone to put on muscle.

A commonly ignored component of the diet plan to gain muscle is water. This life-giving nutrient is absolutely essential in large quantities for muscle builders. Not only does it keep the body hydrated, but it also helps detoxify the blood and prevent the body environment from getting too acidic.

The diet plan to gain muscle is best served in 5-7 servings throughout the day. Try to keep the time intervals between meals to less than 3 hours.

Breakfast and the workout meal. These are probably your 2 most important meals of the day, as at these times your body is in an extreme state and in severe need of nutrients. Supplying it with fast absorbing nutrients like whey protein and sugars is great at these times. This is probably the only time that simple sugars are acceptable in your diet plan to gain muscle.

This is probably one of the most informative diet plan to gain muscle guides you will find. Make sure you stick to all this information and follow it closely. Coupled with a great work out plan and good rest this diet plan to gain muscle, will help you build faster than ever before.

I'm Daniel Ferdinands and I went from 54kg (119lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) of muscle. Its a body transformation that I am very proud of.

My website can show you how to build muscles [http://www.best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/get-big]. But only click on it, if you're skinny, or want to gain more muscle on your frame.

You can also read my muscle building story [http://best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/my-muscle-building-journey] here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Daniel_Ferdinands/866510

What to Eat to Build Muscle Fast - Top 7 Muscle Building Foods

Building muscle is not only about lifting weight. Your nutrition is also very important. The main thing you need to eat if you want to grow muscle is protein, due to the presence of amino acids within it. Of course, you should never underestimate the importance of carbohydrate intake, just make sure that you choose only complex carbohydrates. Simple carbs like white bread and potatoes have a high glycemic index. On the contrary complex carbs such as oatmeal and whole wheat bread can supply you with all the energy you need to complete your workout.

Here is the list of the top 7 muscle building foods:

Eggs: they contain protein of high biological value, which can be easily absorbed by the body. One egg contains 6 grams of protein and many vitamins such as B6, B12, E and D. It would be better to remove the yolk and just eat the white.
Tuna: it's a low cost muscle building food that is filled with proteins. It also doesn't contain any fat and you can eat it raw out of the tin or add it to you salad.
Milk: milk is full of calcium, vitamins and minerals and can protect your bones during hard workouts. It would be better to consume skimmed milk.
Lean red meat: red meat like beef contains, iron and B vitamins and is probably the most nutrient dense food. Make sure that you don't overcook it, because high temperature can damage its nutrients.
Chicken or turkey breast: they are excellent sources of protein and are very low in fat, if you remove the skin.
Cottage cheese: it's very slow digesting and is great as a late night snack.
Nuts: nuts like peanuts, almonds and macadamias can provide you with fiber, vitamin E, potassium, zinc and magnesium. They are full of healthy eats and can help you gain some muscular weight.

Make sure not to skip meals and eat every 2-3 hours. Keep in mind that if you don't eat enough your body will break down your existing muscle tissue to repair itself.

Do you want to Build Muscle Fast [http://muscle-building.weebly.com/]? If you want to grab your Free Report, Just Click Here [http://muscle-building.weebly.com/]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alex_B._Marshall/254714

Growing Muscle Without Gaining Fat - Easy Tips For Having Muscles and Get Rid of the Fats

Every person wants to have a well built body but in their quest for gaining muscle they also gain excess fat. A strong and well built body should have a good amount of muscle mass but hardly any extra fat as muscles provide the strength and shape to the body. Most bodybuilders would agree that they would love to gain muscle without gaining any fat. Gaining muscles without gaining fat is possible if you not only consume the required amount of calories but also increase the metabolic rate of your body so that the extra fat is converted into muscles.

Here are a few helpful tips you can follow for gaining muscle without gaining fat by boosting your body metabolism:

1) Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
An important step to gain muscle without gaining fat by improving your metabolic rate is to eat a healthy and nutritious diet. If you eat right and cut out all the unhealthy foods that contain unsaturated fats you can build a strong body which has a good amount of muscle mass and no excess fat. Your diet should be rich in carbohydrates and proteins and should consist of food items like cereals, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

2) Drink plenty of water
Water is important for staying healthy and energetic. You should drink lots of water for gaining muscle without gaining fat. You will need to work out regularly to build muscle mass. If you don't increase your daily water consumption it can have a negative effect on your body. You should drink several glasses of water at regular intervals throughout the day. Water helps to keep the muscles hydrated and plays an important role in distributing essential nutrients throughout the body to keep it healthy.

3) Plan your meals
You have to plan your meals so that you don't stay hungry for an extended period or eat too much in one particular meal. You should eat at regular intervals and plan out five to six small meals throughout the day rather than just two to three large meals. You should also ensure that each of your meals contains the right amount of protein, carbohydrates,vitamins and other essential nutrients. When you eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day instead of two or three larger meals if helps boost your metabolic rate and you don't have to worry about gaining weight while you build up your muscle mass.

4) Get enough sleep
An important aspect of the muscle building process is to get sufficient amount of sleep on a daily basis. Sleep helps to relax the body and mind and improve metabolic rate thereby playing a crucial role in the process of gaining muscle without gaining fat.

You can follow the above discussed tips for gaining muscle without gaining fat. A strong and well built body is loved and admired by everyone but you should know what you need to do to achieve it so that you can do it in an healthy way and get the desired results.

Tommy Steinbeck is a fitness fanatic. He created a site to be a resource page for health and fitness and for those who want to know on how to grow muscle [http://www.how-to-grow-muscle.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tommy_Steinbeck/1408788

8 Important Examples On The Best Diet For Building Muscle

There are different forms of diet but the one that concerns me the most is the best diet for building muscle. Remember that what we eat is what determines the muscles we build and also our health. When you want to build muscle, the important part of the program is diet, and when it is coupled with exercises, it will yield greater results.

The human body needs some basic nutrients from foods and also some supplements for its growth and development. This brings us to the eight main building supplements, and they are listed below:

1. Egg whites: There are reasons why body builders love eggs in their diet; this is because they are rich in protein, and they are the purest forms of protein in the entire world. Egg whites contain some amounts of carbohydrates, and large amount of vitamins and minerals. When they are absorbed by the body, they are being used for the synthesizing of protein.

2. Chicken and turkey: These are other forms of food that make up a nice diet. They are classified under lean meats, and are regarded as staple foods. They have very high protein level, and they are low in unsaturated fat. Due to the fact that they have very high protein level, they can be eaten daily, and they can be prepared in different ways.

3. Fish: This is a very good form of protein and they are more effective than meats. They are rich in essential oils, vitamins and other required nutrients necessary for the building of the body. They are used to support the muscles and bones. There are different kinds of fish; and they are cold water fish, such as, salmon, tuna, and sardines; which are very good sources of protein. Another kind of fish is canned fish, which can also be good for the production of protein in the body.

4. Beans and legumes: They are the most important part of a diet plan and they cannot be left out when a person wants to build muscles. They can be very delicious when prepared and they have high nutritious protein and fiber in them. Fibers are very essential for the regulation of bowel movement and insulin response. It also aids in the absorption of nutrients. Kidney beans are the most popular choices for the building of muscles.

5. Lean red meat: Not all kinds of meat are good for a diet, that is why red meats are recommended because they are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and most importantly, Vitamin B. They have a high amount of calorie, and I advise that they should not be eaten daily so as to reduce the rate at which weight is gained.

6. Other examples on best diet for building muscle are slow- burning carbs;

7. Whey protein; and most importantly,

8. Water: This helps in the refreshing of the body and it also performs other functions that are already known to us.

This is where I sign out; and I want you all to know that these examples of best diet for building muscle is very effective, and you can try them out.

Discover the shockingly best diet for building muscle [http://www.strictlybodybuilding.net] the expensive body building programs don't want you to know!Build Muscles quickly and more easily than you ever thought possible with the secret techniques revealed at [http://www.strictlybodybuilding.net]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Angel_E._Murray_/1288273

4 Tips to Gain Muscle Lose Fat and Look Like a Fitness Model

So you're ready to lose fat

So you have been lifting weights for a while and put on some size but in the process through the extra calories you have been eating your now carrying a bit more fat than you would like. Lets face it to get a fitness model physique you need to have low levels of body fat but to do this you don't want to sacrifice your hard earned muscle.

With that in mind here are 4 tips that may actually help you gain muscle lose fat and give you the look that makes all the effort worthwhile.

1 - Give yourself plenty of time to get lean

If you leave the decision too late to start losing fat and you only have a couple of months to get in shape then this means a really strict low calorie diet and lots of cardio. This combination will get rid of fat quickly but make it very difficult to retain your muscle mass and is more likely to reduce it. Therefore to gain muscle and lose fat you want to have at least 3-4 months to get super-lean without losing or even gaining muscle. By going slower you only have to create a slight calorie deficit and aim for 1 to 2 pounds a week fat loss. This will mean building muscle is still possible.

2: Time to clean up the diet but keep it real

So first thing to do is clean up the diet. However if you have planned well in advance then this won't have to be as strict as you are only looking to lose small amounts of fat each week. Also if you go to severe too soon you simply won't be able to maintain this discipline for long enough. A good rule of thumb is to make 80% of your meals clean and low calories with the rest made up of treat/normal meals. To lessen the impact of these more relaxed meals I try to time it so I have them after a good hard workout. If working out in the evening then try to reduce the carbs in the day before so that you are more primed to burn body fat for energy rather than the energy from your food.

3 Keep the weights heavy to gain and retain muscle

The reason you want to carry on lifting heavy weights is to keep making strength gains and progressing enabling your body to hold onto that hard earned muscle. If you start going to light with higher reps your body doesn't have any reason to keep or build anymore muscle mass.

4 Time to crank up the cardio but use high Intensity Interval Training

I am firm believer that Interval Training is the most efficient form of cardio to burn body fat without losing muscle. You only have to look at the physique of a sprinter to see the effect of short intense bursts of effort followed by rest periods. Sprinters train using high intensity interval training and yet manage to have lots of muscle mass and low levels of body fat which is a clear indicator to me that this approach works.

A quick example routine of this is to warm up for 5 minutes then do 30 seconds of sprinting followed by 90 seconds at a recovery pace. Repeat this for 20-25 minutes. Apart from burning body fat I have actually gained muscle in my legs doing these types of routines.

These tips will help you gain muscle lose fat and develop a stand out physique so make sure to give them a try.

Howard Standring is a Personal Trainer who runs http://energiafitness.com based in Southern Spain.

I am Howard Standring a Personal Trainer who lives in Southern Spain. I coach and advice men and women of all ages to help them achieve a lean attractive body that lasts for life.

For more workouts, advanced fat loss tips and muscle building advice to look like a Hollywood star or fashion model visit my blog http://www.energiafitness.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Howard_Standring/364079

Muscle and Weight Loss - Gain Muscle, Reduce Fat

This article is being examined by two groups of people: People who desire to lose some fat and people who do not, but want to build muscle.

Which one are you?

There are far too many disadvantages to being overweight. It causes negative stress on our heart and weakens our organs. It does little for our figure, making us less attractive than we really are.

The great news though is that it is possible to lose fat. In order to reduce the amount of fat it is important that you remain dedicated. You will need to start and maintain an effective diet or workout routine that you have chosen.

Fat does not appear overnight. Fat is like pockets of fuel which your body has stored away. Until you get around to using these layers of fuel, your body is going to just keep carrying them. You will have to burn those unnecessary calories up to reduce the fat reserve .

As scientists have repeatedly informed us, ensuring a balance in your diet and exercise routines will allow you to lose weight. Sadly, most scientists fail to outline how exactly this balance should be attained. Consequently, a high number of people embark on wrong diets with the expectation that it will accelerate the process of weight loss. In the end, they hardly ever work.

However, there is one way that shows real fat loss and that is, the human muscle. If the human muscle is an engine, then calories is the fuel on which it is run. The existence alone of your muscle - not use, ensures that you burn more calories every day, even if you do not do anything. Increasing your muscle mass means you will be able to burn even more calories every day. This will allow you to effectively alter your muscle-fat ratio to healthier limits.

Virtually everyone can use this muscle gain, fat loss approach. It does not matter how old you are or what your sex is. With muscle up and fat off, your metabolism will improve. Gaining weight will be harder once you have an increased metabolic rate. Eating some sweets will no longer mean a sentence to the fat farm.

Obviously, for you to get a successful muscle up-fat off result, it is important that you include a tested fitness plan as your workout routine. Using a successful training program will get even greater results. There a professional coach will be able to guide you on all the ways you can go about getting your body into the right class of fitness. I definitely recommend checking out the muscle and weight loss [http://muscleupfatoff.com/quick-weight-loss/muscle-and-weight-loss/] principle.

Robert Fox has reviewed several bodybuilding programs analyzing along the weight loss component, the fat reduction element or the quest to gaining muscle mass, on Programs for Building Muscle and Losing Fat.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Robert_M_Fox/506809

How to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time

In bodybuilding, there is a common belief that it is impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Many bodybuilders believe that you should only focus on one of these goals. Either lose fat by doing loads of cardio and dropping your calories by 500, or else eat 500 calories more than normal and start lifting weights to gain muscle.

However, neither of these goals is totally ideal. If you lose fat by cutting your caloric intake and doing loads of cardio, you will produce a body that is thinner than before but not visually appealing. You will simply be a smaller version of what you were in the beginning. Gaining muscle means eating more food but that often means putting on some fat, too. Lifting weights while eating like that will produce a a much more muscular frame but with puffy, bloated-looking muscles and a stocky frame that is also not what most people are looking for.

The vast majority of people who hit the gym to transform their bodies, other than the serious meatheads who want to be the next Schwarzenegger, are people who are looking to create the hot, sexy, "GQ model" look, with well-developed but reasonably-sized muscles, a six-pack and a hard, lean appearance, so that the muscles look angular and "cut", as though you were a diagram of the human musculature. This appearance is not created by following either of the pieces of advice given above for building muscle or losing fat.

The secret to creating this look is to follow a program that emphasizes three stages -

1/ Heavy training that gets you strong

2/ Muscle building work to increase size

3/ Metabolic bursting, HIIT and steady-state cardio to burn fat

Do all three of these in THAT order and you will produce that "GQ" body. Let's go into details now!

1/ Heavy training - spend at least the first month pushing and pulling some serious weight. Focus on intensity (how much weight) and volume (how many sets). I would recommend 5 sets of 5 reps at a minimum of 80% of your 1-rep max. You can do some exercises at a higher number of reps to increase size a little bit but make sure that you spend most of your time getting strong. Increase the weight by 20% each week if you can. Just do a little cardio if you must (for example, if you are seriously overweight). Focus on the traditional heavy compound exercises that train the whole body - pull-ups, push-ups, pull-downs, squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows and lunges.

2/ Training for size - spend the second month focusing on increasing the size of your muscles. Ease off on the heavy training by reducing it to no more than 20% of your time at the gym. Increase reps to 8-12 and decrease sets to 3-4 max. Decrease weights to 60% of your 1-rep max. Super-set upper and lower body exercises to maximize efficient use of time and regard the time when you are exercising your lower body as a rest period for your upper body m(and vice versa). Minimize rest periods overall to increase the workload on the body. You can incorporate more isolation exercises into your routine, such as bicep curls, pec-dec machine and other, more "wussy" exercises. Sleep at least 8 hours a night to maximize muscle recovery and growth. Take at least 2 rest days a week. Drink plenty of water to flush out lactic acid.

3/ Cardio - in the third month, focus more on fat loss. Start circuit training by doing "heavy" exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, pull-downs, squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows and lunges at high rep ranges with absolutely minimal rest periods with lighter weights. Do all 8 of these exercises in one circuit and focus on trying to complete at least 3 circuits in one gym session. Then hit the treadmill or stationary bike. Perform a 5-minute warm-up at 60% of your maximum intensity, then do metabolic bursting with a Tabata Protocol of 2o seconds at a minimum of 90% intensity, followed by 10 seconds at 60% intensity. Repeat this 30-second process at least 10 times (giving you 5 minutes of bursting). Follow this with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) by performing 2 minutes at 80% intensity and 1 minute at 60% intensity. Do this 3 times (9 minutes total). Then perform steady-state cardio for 10 minutes at 60% intensity, then a 1-minute cool-down at 50%. This gives you a 25-minute cardio routine to begin with. The metabolic bursting is anaerobic, meaning that it takes place "in the absence of oxygen", which forces your body to go to its fat stores to give you the energy to complete the exercise. The HIIT, then moves the fat into the blood stream, where it is available to give constant supplies to the body during the longer high-intensity 2-min sessions. Finally, the steady-state moves the fat from the blood into the kidneys. Drink plenty of water. This will flush out the fat from the kidneys into the bladder. When you urinate, it will move out of the body and be gone! As the month continues, increase bursting to 20 times (10 minutes), HIIT to 5 times (15 minutes) but keep steady-state at 10 minutes. With a three-minute warm-up and two-minute cool-down, that gives you a 40-minutes workout to aim for by the end of the month.

Do all this and you will get the hot body of your dreams!

Oliver Chapman is an up-and-coming expert on Personal Development who specializes in Health, Wealth and Relationships. This article belongs to Health. To discover all of "Olly's Six Principles" to achieving your dream life, sign up for his five-part e-mail series and ongoing newsletter giving tips and advice by copying and pasting the link below into your web browser -


Visit his blog at [http://www.ollyspersonaldevelopment.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Oliver_N_Chapman/1935522

3 Tummy Fat Burning Exercises That Are Fun And Effective

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is with exercise. But just doing a few sit-ups each day will not get you the flat stomach you want. In fact, doing sit-ups or crunches are not the best stomach fat burning exercises because you can't tone fat. To get those nicely toned abdominal muscles showing, you first have to lose the fat that is laying on top of them..

The thing to remember with exercises to burn belly fat is to find one that you like and that you will want to keep doing on a regular basis. Don't worry if you think going to the gym is boring and not for you, here are 3 fun tummy fat burning exercises and that really work.

Get Dancing!

One of the best exercises to burn belly fat that is super-fun and comes naturally is dancing! Put your dancing shoes on, set your iPod to shuffle, and work it out. Belly dancing videos are a great way to burn that unwanted belly fat. An 180 pound (81 kilo) person will burn approximately 386 calories for every hour that they dance. If you are even heavier, you will burn even more calories than that.

Beware of crunches - they are great for toning up your belly, but you can't tone fat. Doing thousands of crunches a day won't burn half as much belly fat as something like belly dancing. Once you lose most of the fat in your belly, then you can start doing crunches to tone your muscles underneath.

Anyone For Tennis?

Another one of the great exercises to burn belly fat is playing tennis. Tennis serves as a great workout because it works your core body. The core of your body is your abs and lower back muscles. These muscles are the ones doing all of the work to hit the tennis ball hard and far. Your core doesn't just keep you balanced as you run from place to place on the court but it provides you with an extra boost of power in all of the strokes. You're constantly in motion on the court, and it's a great way how to lose belly fat workout while having fun.

Who's For A Swim?

Swimming for fitness requires a lot of energy and burns a lot of calories. This is because, when you swim, you need to move your whole body instead of just your legs or your arms. Swimming works your body and heart the same way any cardio workout, such as dancing or running would. Not only is swimming good for a cardio workout, swimming challenges the muscles all over your body and is great for increasing overall body strength. The water resistance you face while swimming forces your muscles to work harder - just like traditional forms of strength training which is one of the best ways how to lose belly fat because muscles burn more calories, even while they are at rest.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose belly fat and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948

No More Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat - A Better Way

Exercises to reduce tummy fat fast don't have to be torture sessions where you wonder if you're going to live through it! For centuries Asian women have mastered being able to get a flat stomach and skinny waist without starving themselves and without long workouts. Let's take a look at just one of their methods and how you can use it to get the body of your dreams faster than you think.

No More Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat - A Better Way

Let's just get this right out of the way now: You will NOT be doing any sit-ups or crunches, I promise.:)

I can't remember ever seeing my Chinese Mother or Grandmother ever lying on the floor trying to touch their elbows to their knees...instead they would do simpler techniques to maintain their size-2 tiny waists.

One of these ways is found right in your bathtub...

The Magic Properties and an Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of a village in England called "Epsom", where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day. The salts were quickly found to be effective for treating the aches and pains our bodies often go through, along with removing toxins from our system which then resulted in weight loss!

Toxins can take many forms, including certain fat compounds, and if they are blocked or not being released for whatever reason they will accumulate into a topical layer of fat that many people call cellulite.

The reason Asian women take Epsom salt baths is because when combined with hot water the salt can draw toxins out of the body at a tremendous rate. This works by hot water infused with Epsom slat bringing toxins out of the body to the skin surface, while the water cools it and then washes it away.

When Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin in a bath it also sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, is a natural emollient, exfoliate, and much more!

Below is the actual Epsom salt Detox bath recipe that all the Women in my family have used forever:

- 1 x Cup Epsom salts

- A handful of sea salt

- 2 x Tablespoons of bath oil

Be sure to pour all of the ingredients into the tub while the tub is filling up because Epsom salt gets lumpy when exposed to wet bathroom air. For a typical bathtub use about 1 cup of salt.

Soak for 20 minutes or so, and let your mind relax and unwind.

The Bottom Line is You Must Take Action

I hear a lot of people telling me they're sick of the latest diet programs on the market these days, where you're either STARVING or trying to live through BRUTAL workouts to drop weight. Instead...

...download and read my newest FREE eBook to quickly learn a simple but powerful technique that Asian women have been using forever to get skinny fast without suffering. Let me teach you another technique how to reduce tummy fat fast in just a few minutes a day even while relaxing in front of the TV!

I'm limiting this free eBook to the FIRST 100 PEOPLE ONLY, after that it will be priced at the usual cost of $19.95.

Take advantage of this free launch offer while there is still time by clicking the link and downloading it NOW: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Catherine_Cheng/783914

How to Lose Love Handles - 4 Great Cardio Exercises to Help You Burn Stomach Fat Quickly

Do you find yourself wondering about how to lose love handles? To lose love handles, you'll need to reduce your daily calorie intake. But more importantly, you need to perform regular physical exercise. You should do full body strength-training exercises as well as cardiovascular exercises to get your body to burn fat, especially in the stomach region. Here are 4 great cardio exercises you can do if you're thinking about how to lose love handles quickly.

Running - Running is a simple yet highly effective cardio exercise you can do to rid yourself of stomach fat. It's one of the most effective exercises to get your body to burn fat, including stomach fat. You should go running every morning before starting your day for maximum effect. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and you're good to go.

Cycling - The next tip on how to lose love handles is to do some cycling. It's not as simple and easy to do as running because you'll need a good bicycle to do cycling effectively. If you want to go cycling for a longer distance, you'll also need a good helmet, a protective outfit and enough supply of water to make sure that you have a great and comfortable workout. But the benefits you'll gain from cycling will make all those extra preparation really worth it.

Swimming - Another great exercise to lose love handles that's also fun to do is swimming. The best time of the year to go swimming is in the summer since swimming is also a good activity to keep you hydrated. Aside from its effectiveness to burn fat in your body, swimming is also a very effective exercise to train the muscles in your entire body, especially hand and leg muscles.

Hiking - If you prefer to do a cardio exercise that can help you lose belly fat while also having fun doing it, then you should go hiking. It's a great exercise that burns tons of calories, and it could also be treated as a fun vacation. You could turn it into a big, fun activity that you can do with a group of people, especially your family or friends. So if you're still wondering about how to lose love handles while at the same time having fun doing it, then go hiking.

If you want to know more about how to lose love handles, then you should check out the Truth About Abs review. This book will teach you everything you need to know about losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach or six pack abs, including the best, most effective abdominal exercises to do. To check it out, Click Here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Kercher/382373

3 Top Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Losing belly fat requires you to be in a negative energy balance. This is can be achieved by reducing calorie intake through proper nutrition or expending more calories through exercises or a combination of both.

This article will focus on exercises to lose belly fat. For maximum stomach fat loss, you should always combine exercise with a healthy and balanced diet.

Here are the 3 top exercises to lose belly fat.

1. Weight Training

Weight training is great for burning stomach fat and shaping your body. It builds muscle that burns calories during and after a workout. Muscle needs energy for repair and maintenance.

As you age, your metabolism slows down and make it harder for you to lose stomach fat. Weight training can prevent muscle loss while increasing your metabolic rate. It is an important exercise to lose belly fat for people of all ages.

Weight training is not only limited to working out with barbells and dumbbells. You can also use kettlebells or exercise tubings.

Be sure to use to increase the weight progressively for better stomach fat loss results and to avoid plateau. Training with light weights has little effect on building muscle and raising your metabolism.

2. Cardio Exercises

There are 2 types of cardio exercises to lose belly: steady state and intervals.

Steady state cardio should be performed at a high enough level to be effective for burning belly fat. While you can do steady state cardio everyday, 4-5 times per week is more than sufficient.

Interval training involves alternating short bursts of high intensity workout with rest periods. This is a time efficient cardio that is very effective for getting rid of stomach fat. It can only be performed 2-3 times a week. Interval training is not for everyone. If you have health problems or are new to exercise, you should start with low intensity or steady state cardio.

3. Bodyweight exercises

Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere, be it at home, in a hotel room or at a park. You don't even need to join a gym. As the name implies, you only use your bodyweight so you don't need to spend on any equipment.

Some examples of bodyweight exercises are lunges, squats, push-ups, pull-ups and mountain climbers. They are excellent for burning belly fat, building muscle and shaping your body. If you are short of time, perform these exercises as a circuit which can be completed in 20-30 minutes.

Each of the 3 exercises to lose belly fat can be added as a variety to your existing training program. The combination of these exercises and proper eating plan can help you get rid of belly fat fast.

Avoid spending too much time doing ab specific exercises like crunches and sit-ups. Spot reduction does not work and you'll only be disappointed with the results.

Performing countless repetitions of ab exercises to lose belly fat is a waste of time. Grab a copy of "The Great Abs Mistake" ebook for FREE to discover the 2 most effective ways to lose belly fat and get ripped abs at http://www.shedthefat.com/great-abs-mistake

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rena_Wong/33469

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - 4 Outstanding Workouts to Strip Stomach Fat

You probably think that the best exercise to lose belly fat is the one that involves training your abdominal muscles. In fact, you've probably been doing all those abs exercises like crunches and sit-ups all this time. Abs-specific exercises are good for toning your abs, but relying exclusively on them to get rid of your belly fat will not lead you to success, no matter how many repetitions you do each day.

The best exercise to lose belly fat is the one that involves some type of cardiovascular activity and trains the largest muscles groups in your body. Those big muscle groups are your body's natural fat burning engine, so by exercising them regularly, you keep your body burning fat all the time. Plus, cardio workouts speed up your metabolism rate, which is helpful to get your body burning fat faster. Any of these 4 cardio workouts can be claimed as the best exercise to lose belly fat.

Running - This is one of the most common cardio exercises that people do, mainly because it's very easy and simple to do. It's also an intensive cardio workout that can burn lots of calories in a short amount of time. You can easily do it every morning to start your day.

Swimming - This is also a very effective cardio workout since it involves your entire body, including the largest muscles groups in your body. Swimming can burn tons of calories and stored fat, including the fat in the stomach area. It's best to go swimming in the summer since it's a fun activity that can help you stay hydrated.

Kickboxing - Kickboxing is another intense workout that burns lots of calories and belly fat. It's quite hard to do at first since it requires a learning curve. But once you get the hang of it, you'll realize that the benefits you get from the workout far outweigh the effort needed to master it.

Skipping - This is also another example of cardio exercise that's pretty easy to do but highly effective due to its high intensity. If you can do it for 30-45 minutes with high enough intensity, then you can end up burning lots of calories and stored fat. Aside from that, skipping also helps train your stamina and endurance.

Do you really, really want to lose belly fat? Do you know that changing just a few things in your exercise and eating habits will get you a flat stomach much faster? Read the Truth About Abs review to find out the real truth about losing stubborn belly fat and getting a flat stomach now. Click Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Kercher/382373

Do This Effective Cardio Routine To Lose Stomach Fat Fast

Lets face it, doing cardio routines to lose stomach fat fast just plain suck to do. Some experts say you have to run 40min to 1hr in the fat burning zone to see good results. I'm here to tell you, that's flat out not true and very ineffective.

Its ineffective because cardio enthusiasts who tell you this usually aren't seeing the big picture when it comes to losing your stomach fat.

The number one reason you should be working out and doing cardio routines is to raise your metabolism so you burn fat for days, weeks and months on end...

Not just while you workout!

Running steady for 30min will burn on the average of 300 calories. Not a lot but it has its place in workout routines.

But if your main goal is extreme fat loss, then there is a better way to do things...

Most people call that way high intensity interval training.

What this type of training is, is any form of exercise that you do at about 85 to 95% intensity for short bouts, followed by equal amounts of medium intensity bouts of 60 to 70%.

So take running for example, here is how a high intensity interval training session would look like:

Warmup Medium Intensity: 3min
Sprint 30seconds
Medium Run 1:30min

You would then continue to sprint and medium run, to the point where your fitness levels don't let you continue. Usually around 3 to 8 intervals.

What this type of cardio does for you, is raise your metabolism to extreme levels. To where your body goes into burning calories for days and weeks at a time.

This can mean several thousand calories at a time, instead of just the little 300 or 400 calorie effect you would get from a steady state cardio session in the fat burning zone.

It you are serious about using cardio to lose stomach fat fast, start doing this type of routine 1 to 2 times a week. Within 30 days you won't know what to do with how lean your body and belly will look.

I prepared a valuable report on how you can use effective tactics, like these, to lose your stomach fat. Without strict dieting or crazy workout routines, click here to get it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Daniel_Dash/758867

Good Cardio Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

We all know how cardio can make you sweat and burn off a lot of calories. However, what most people don't realize is that some cardio workouts are better at burning off fat than others. You need to make sure that you're spending your time and energy on those workouts that will give you the better and faster results.

In this article I want to share a few good cardio workouts to lose belly fat and I urge you to incorporate one or more of these into your regular routine:

1. Aerobic classes - Although these classes are more popular among women than men, there is no reason why a guy shouldn't participate in such a class. This can be a powerful aerobic workout and burn a lot of calories. In addition, the complex and varied movements in these classes involve a lot of muscle groups, improve coordination and flexibility and muscle tone. All these things will help you do better workouts in the future, not to mention cut away the fat.

2. Hiking - If you live in a city that may be a bit difficult to do, but if you can get outdoors, find a safe terrain to hike through, you will find this a challenging workout, especially if you have a few stretches of uphill walking. There's something about walking outdoors on an uneven plain that works the muscles a bit differently. You can also spice up your hike with some running for additional fat burning.

3. Another good cardio workout to burn fat with is jumping rope - this is also a workout you can do at home (if you have a bit of room). Rope jumping can get your heartbeat up in a few minutes. Do a few sets of rope jumping until you fail to clear the rope. It's a fast and furious cardio workout.

4. Ball games can also provide a powerful aerobic stimulation, but you need to choose the right one. Softball and golf aren't really that strenuous. Tennis, basketball, and soccer are much better options because there's a lot of sprinting involved. These are great choices if you find that you get bored with traditional cardio.

Naturally, doing any of these workouts or all of them does not give you a license to overeat. Your diet is of the utmost importance in making sure you that you burn off fat and not just replace it.

Visit Cardio Workouts To Burn Stomach Fat for tips on how to do these workouts for maximum results.

For an excellent way to get flat abs, visit Your Six Pack Quest Review
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat - 4 Excellent Cardio Workouts to Burn Belly Fat

If you want to get a flat stomach or six pack abs, then you need to do exercises to lose belly fat in addition to maintaining a healthy diet. You certainly need to limit your calorie intake since those extra calories that don't get burned will be turned into fat tissues by your body, most likely in the stomach area. Equally important, you need to make sure that you do regular exercise.

You need to do both full-body weight-training exercises and cardio exercises. Cardio training is important because it is highly effective to help your body to burn more fat. Here are 4 great cardio exercises to lose belly fat.

Jogging - The first example of great exercises to lose belly fat is jogging. Jogging is one of the easiest and simplest exercises to perform, but it's also one of the most effective to get your body to burn lots of calories. For maximum benefits, you need to do jogging everyday for 20-30 minutes. I have found that the best time to do jogging is as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Skipping - Skipping is another great example of cardio exercises that can get your body to burn lots of calories in order to lose stomach fat. It's easy to do and you can practically do it anywhere, whenever you have the time. Try to do it for 15-20 minutes with a high enough intensity so that you reap maximum benefits from the exercise.

Swimming - Another example of great exercises to lose belly fat is swimming. Swimming is a very effective exercise to burn lots of calories if you do it with a high enough intensity. It's also a perfect exercise to strengthen the muscles in you arms and legs, and to help you build your stamina and endurance.

Rock climbing - Rock climbing is a great full-body workout to train the muscles in your entire body. It's also a great exercise to burn calories and to get rid of stomach fat. There's usually an indoor rock climbing wall in most gyms nowadays, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to find one in your neighborhood. If you decide to do rock climbing, make sure you do it regularly since it's one of the most effective exercises to lose belly fat.

If you want to know how to completely get rid of belly fat, then you should check out the Truth About Abs review. This book will teach you everything you need to know about losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach or six pack abs, including the best and most effective abdominal exercises.

To check it out, Click Here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paul_Kercher/382373

3 Intensive Cardio Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

We all know that in order to get flat abs we need to eliminate our excess stomach fat. To do that you need to follow a sensible nutrition plan and you need to do fat burning workouts.

Your workouts will include strength exercises and cardio workouts, but not all cardio is created equal. Some bring massive results and some disappointing ones. If you want to get the fastest results you need to focus on the cardio exercises that burn belly fat fastest.

The key is to make your workouts intensive. The more intensive a workout (within reason, of course), the faster it burns off fat. Some workouts are just generally more intensive than others so it's easy to make them work for you fast.

So, which are some intensive cardio exercises to lose belly fat with fast?

1. Kickboxing - Taking a kickboxing lesson is a great way to become more flexible, improve coordination, and to burn a ton of calories. Kickboxing brings your entire body into the motion so you get a total workout. It can be quite hard, but the right instructor can motivate you to do things you never thought possible.

2. Spinning - I'm not a big fan of cycling indoors, but spinning is different because you're not resting your back as you do in many other stationary bikes. In addition, a spinning instructor can make sure you don't rest for a second but keep pumping those calories away.

3. Running - I love to run. It's a passion of mine. I love running because I can feel each step. Running is an intensive cardio workout which brings every muscle group into the movement. You will burn a lot of fat with running.

Use these 3 exercises and you will see your stomach flab reduced. Of course, make sure to eat well and you will see great results.

To discover more fat burning exercises, visit this page: Belly Fat Burning Cardio Exercises
To read more tips on how to get flat abs and get 2 Free fitness reports, visit http://BurnMyBellyFat.com
John Davenport is a health and fitness author. He is the creator of the Emotional Eating Solution program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

The Top Quality Foods for Muscle Building

The following paragraphs summarize the work of foods for muscle building experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of foods for muscle building. Heed their advice to avoid any foods for muscle building surprises.

If you don't have accurate details regarding foods for muscle gain, then you might make a bad choice on the subject. Don't let that happen: keep reading.

To build muscle muscles you need to consume precise nutrients throughout the day and at specific intervals.

The nourishment you eat should contain a fair quantity high quality protein, natural/unrefined carbohydrates, and a small amount of healthy fat.

The best foods for muscle mass are the ones that present a balance mixture of quality proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

You may already experience this: proteins are the finest foods for muscle gaining.

You need to eat quality protein at each meal, and healthy sources such as fish, lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy, and protein powders are cracking choices.

Boneless, skinless turkey or chicken breasts are also good foods for muscles building.

Protein helps to build muscle fibers, and so it is an important part of any bodybuilder's diet.

Your muscle gains will be negatively affected if your diet is low in protein.

You should consume a diet that contains 30 to FORTY percent of protein, depending on how much muscle you want to build.

Carbohydrates are equally fundamental foods for muscle building; they trigger an insulin response, which, in turn, allows for excellent cell growing by putting nutrients into cells.

Carbohydrates also add four calories per gram to your diet.

Many carbohydrates also have essential vitamins and minerals.

Starchy vegetables (such as baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams); entire grains; oatmeal; and fresh fruit are some bang-up sources of carbohydrates.

Highly processed sources of carbohydrates prefer doughnuts, white bread, and other baked goods give only empty calories and are high in trans-fats (a type fat which is extremely unhealthy for you); thus, it's finest to stay aside from these.

It may be tough to believe that fats are also necessary foods for muscle building, but they should be consumed in moderation in a healthy bodybuilding diet.

Fats that contain high numbers of essential fatty acids, which must be taken in the nourishment we eat because the body cannot manufacture them, are the healthiest.

Linolenic acid and alpha linoleic acid are the two most common essential fatty acids; these are also known as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively.

They are usually found in some vegetable fats and fish love salmon.

Consuming a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil twice a day is one means to get the essential fatty acids you need.

These are superb foods for muscle gaining as they are high in essential fatty acids.

If you've picked some pointers about foods for muscle building that you can put into action, then by all means, do so. You won't really be able to gain any benefits from your new knowledge if you don't use it.

Want an unfair advantage in building the powerful, muscular new body you've always dreamed of? Visit the following website and gain instant access to a free Muscle Building downloads jam-packed with killer muscle building tips: [http://www.howtobebigandstrong.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shawn_Owen/810524

Top 7 Foods For Building Muscle - Feed Your Muscles With the Right Foods and Watch Them Explode!

If you want huge biceps, boulder shoulders and ripped abdominals, you need to focus on three things:

1. Targeted weight training using heavy weights to stimulate muscle growth
2. Fat burning exercise to define the muscles
3. The right diet to feed your growing muscles

In this article we'll focus on diet and the best foods for building muscle.

Look, there is no point in lifting heavy weights to stimulate muscle growth, if you then fail to feed the muscles properly. Weight training and diet are equally important for building muscle, yet the importance of diet is often ignored by beginners who thing strength training is all that matters.

Here are 7 foods that you should build your diet around for maximum muscle growth:

1. Red Meat and Poultry - lean meat is a great source of protein and vitamins that are essential for muscle growth
2. Eggs - another excellent source of natural protein
3. Fish - provides essential omega-3 oils
4. Nuts - will provide you with the unsaturated fats your body needs
5. Oatmeal - a complex carb that will fuel your body with energy to stimulate muscle growth
6. Cottage Cheese - a slow digesting food that is excellent for muscle development
7. Milk - a great source of calcium and other minerals

It goes without saying (that's why I haven't included them in the list above) that you should also take in plenty of fruit and vegetables as part of your balanced diet, whilst avoiding processed foods that contain lots of salt, sugar or saturated fats. Finally drink lots of water to help the nutrients you are taking in to find their way around your body to feed your muscles.

Combine the foods above with the right weight training program and some fat burning aerobic exercise and you will start to see your body change shape in just a few weeks!

Get more diet ideas and discover the absolute best weight training program for massive muscle growth at http://www.buildmusclequick.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Taylor/52738

The Best Muscle Building Foods

Generally, there are about 10-15 top muscle building foods. Though this article lists specifics, feel free to select other foods from the same food group. The general aim is high calories, with good sources of carbohydrates and protein, as well as all the vitamins and minerals that aid in growing muscle fast.

Top Muscle Building Foods

Lean red meat - Packed with protein that provide the "building blocks" for muscle. Red meat also contains amounts of creatine, which helps with muscle ATP efficiency. Try to get a good, rare steak into you 2-3 times a week. Too much and you'll get constipated!

Eggs - Again, protein. Great to add to protein shakes!

Chicken - Source of protein, low fat.

Turkey - See above.

Pasta - This Italian specialty is absolutely jam packed with carbohydrates, which are essential in providing muscle building energy. Wholegrain pasta is the best.

Rice - Similar to pasta in that it's full of carbs. High glycemic index means that it will provide you with a long, consistent burst of energy.

Cereals - Carbs, carbs, carbs! Get as much of this stuff into you as possible every morning. Cereals contains complex carbs, and are particularly good to kick start your metabolism in the morning.

Bread - Again, carbs. Wholegrain is best, and also multi-grain.

Nuts - Good source of protein, and easy to snack on throughout the day.

Fish - The best natural source of good fats. Salmon and tuna a particularly good.

Obviously there are more good muscle building foods, but you should have the idea by now. Try to follow the rule of eating only whole, fresh produce. Processed foods are generally not a good idea, but feel free to mix some things up yourself.

If you want to take your muscle building seriously, go to this How To Build Muscle website now for more information about muscle building foods

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beau_Riley/16472

Bodybuilding - Top 10 Foods That Must Be On Your Bodybuilding Grocery List

Trying to gain weight? Feel like no matter how much food you cram down your throat though there is no change on the scale? Is that scale just out to get you? Or maybe you've been blessed with genetics that have you destined for life as a skinny person?

If this is how you're feeling, you may just be a hardgainer.

Yes, you've heard it before. Why don't you just eat more? Obviously it seems so simple, but for a hardgainer, it's anything but. Gaining weight for this person is like a full-time job of force feeding. You eat, and eat, and eat, and still nothing. Frustration sets in and eventually you might lose steam.

It doesn't have to be this hard though. First, stop and make sure the following foods are in your current diet.

-meal replacement shakes (or make your own by combining protein powder, peanut butter, frozen fruit, and flax oil). Note that these are not to replace meals like their intended purpose, but to add to your already present meal schedule.

-nuts - any type will work - just make sure you are eating at least three or four handfuls a day.

-dry fruits - skip the fresh fruit right now and opt for dry instead. There is far more calories and it will feel a lot lighter in your stomach.

-chicken, lean beef, and whole eggs - you need some good quality protein in your diet and these are the best sources

-dry oats - for the hardgainer, eat them raw, like you would any other cereal

-1% or 2% milk - skip the skim right now, the extra bit of saturated fat will actually help to boost your testosterone levels

-bagels - again, bread for you is not on the menu. Bagels are far more calorie dense and will replace that lost muscle glycogen that you are so needing at this time.

-pasta - pasta is terrific for your post-post-workout meal to help give your body a slower source of carbohydrates to distribute evenly over time to the just-worked muscles

-salmon - this is a higher calorie fish that is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids - which are essential if you're trying to build muscle

-V8 juice - rather than looking to loads of vegetables for your vitamins and minerals, consider some V8 juice instead. It'll hardly put a dent in your appetite, allowing more room for other high-calorie foods.

You can have a few vegetables because getting some fiber is still important, but by no means should vegetables make up the bulk of your diet.

So, if you can't seem to get the scale moving, stop and look at this checklist. If any one of these foods is missing (apart from having an allergy), go to the grocery store and pick it up immediately. If you want to get serious weight gain happening, you need to get serious about your diet.

Are you tired of hitting the gym day after day but not seeing the results you're looking for? Find out how you can change this here [http://www.muscleadvantageplan.com]!

Vince Delmonte [http://www.muscleadvantageplan.com] can do it - so can YOU!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shannon_Clark/125749

Bodybuilding Diet - Top Muscle Building Carbohydrate Foods

When it comes to creating a bodybuilding diet, you should not underestimate the importance of carbohydrate intake. While you definitely do require enough protein to ensure your muscles have an appropriate pool of amino acids available to form the basic building blocks of the muscle, if the carbohydrates aren't present, the fuel needed to assemble these building blocks is not being provided.

There are some weight lifters who prefer following a lower carbohydrate approach to building muscle, but often their gains will be slower than those who don't reduce this macronutrient from their bodybuilding diet.

That said, what are the best carbohydrates to be consuming? There is a vast number of options here, so deciphering which ones will be most beneficial is a smart idea.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal, both cooked and raw, is an excellent source of whole grain carbs that will digest slowly in the body and thus provide a steady rate of energy to the muscle cells. You can blend oatmeal in with your shakes, or combine it with protein powder after it's cooked to make a terrific meal when eaten alongside some nuts for healthy fat.

2. Rice

Rice is a staple of almost any mass gaining diet and for good reason. First, it's cheap. As many of you know who are trying to gain weight, eating 4000+ calories each day can get expensive! Rice is only pennies per serving so it makes for a great option for those trying to save money.

Secondly, it's quick. You can either opt for minute rice (which isn't quite as good, but still a decent option), or pre-cook a big back of long-grain or brown-rice at the start of the week and dish it out for each of your meals.

It will go well with a variety of protein sources and could even be turned into a pudding type of dessert if you really got creative.

3. Dextrose

When it comes to the post-workout period, dextrose should always have a place on your muscle building diet program. Dextrose will be absorbed rapidly in the body, thus will help create an insulin spike, allowing those amino acids from the protein you consume at this point to get into the muscle cells and start the repair and rebuilding process.

It can be mixed easily into any shake and again is very easy on the wallet.

4. Kiddie Cereal

Surprised with this option? That's right, kiddie cereal - all that sugary stuff you used to eat as a kid, can actually be a good part of a bodybuilding diet. There is one requirement though with this - it's that it's eaten immediately after your workout.

You see, at this time you want a fast reacting carbohydrate in your system, and kiddie cereals are just this. Plus, trying to gain weight should be fun since you know you'll be cutting out food once you get back on the fat loss bandwagon, so why not make the most of it?

One to two cups right after an intense workout can be absolutely perfect and really help you see the progress you're looking for.

So, have a good look over your current muscle building diet and be sure these are there. If not, it may be time for you to make some adjustments.

Get [http://www.muscleadvantageplan.com] a tailor made diet that is designed to help you add more muscle to your body.

Vince Delmonte [http://www.muscleadvantageplan.com] did it, so can YOU!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shannon_Clark/125749

Top Ten Muscle Growing Foods - What to Eat When Bodybuilding

When you are trying to gain muscle, eating the right foods is just as important as lifting weights. The list below shows you what foods you should include in your diet regularly to help your muscles grow.

1. Lean Read Meat: Meat is the primary source for proteins, zinc and iron. In addition, red meat also contains lots of vitamins that will help your muscles grow after a workout.

2. Eggs: Another great source for protein is eggs. You can cook eggs in so many ways that you will never get tired of them. The proteins found in eggs are very high in biological value.

3. Fish: Try to eat fish at least three times a week, especially salmon. Fish are full of fatty acids like omega-3, which is very good for our body. Omega-3 is like the oil you put on your car; do not forget it.

4. Fowl: Chicken and turkey is lean meat full of protein. Remember that protein is very important when lifting heavy weights. If you do not get enough protein, your muscles will not grow.

5. Milk: Milk will provide your body with protein, calcium, minerals and vitamins. Remember to go after low fat milk.

6. Cottage Cheese: This cheese share many qualities with milk and is something you should always have in the fridge.

7. Oatmeal: Even though protein is very important, you may not neglect carbohydrates. Oatmeal is a good source for carbohydrates and will give you energy that last throughout the day.

8. Fruits: Apples, kiwi, oranges, bananas and berries are full of vitamins, fibers, potassium, zinc, iron and minerals. Eat around six pieces of food every day to keep your body and cells happy.

9. Vegetables: It is important that you remember to get enough greens when bodybuilding. Vegetables are an excellent source of fibers, which will help you digest all the proteins you are consuming.

10. Nuts: Lat but not least, nuts contains unsaturated fat. So does olive oil, nut butter and fish. A rule of thumb is that you should get around 15% of your calorie intake from this kind of food.

There is a couple of things I want you to keep in mind, remember to drink lots of water. You cannot get too much water. Remember to eat smaller meals throughout the day, more often. Try to eat at least six smaller meals each day (every two - three hours). Stay away from sugar and other foods that are high on the glycemic index. This food includes white bread, potatoes and pasta.

If you want to take your bodybuilding lifestyle to the next level, then you should focus on finding a full program, which includes diet plans. To find reviews of such programs take a look here [http://bodybuilding-workout-guide.com] Here you will find honest reviews of the top sellers in the online bodybuilding industry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jan_Raven/78289

Body Building Foods - Tips For Picking The Right Bodybuilding Diet For Maximum Muscle Gains

The right bodybuilding diet is critical to your success as a weight lifter and bodybuilder. The correct diet not only allows your body to repair the damage done by lifting weights and grow new muscle but also stay lean and muscular at the same time.

The problem with the traditional way of eating to accomplish these goals are that they are normally boring and the food is bland and hard to eat making staying on your nutrition plan difficult, so what is a serious strength athlete to do!

First You Need To Avoid Bland Foods

The first step is you have to make your meals enjoyable and something you can look forward to and not force yourself to eat. Look I do not care what your will power and dedication levels are if you try and live on chicken breast and brown rice you will go nuts and eventually go off your diet.

Realize Boring Foods Hurt Progress

This inconsistency will set you back and the pattern will repeat it self over and over and you will never make serious gains! I know this may seem hard but you need to alter your sources of proteins and carbohydrates and use them to make good anabolic meals!

First off the average bodybuilder and weight lifter goes right to the boring old standbys for protein and carbs without realizing the huge amount of alternatives that work just as well. These standbys are normally chicken breast and eggs with brown rice for carbs

Make Your Meals Exciting Again

Imagine if you will instead of sitting down to chicken and brown rice again tonight you sat down to a bison burger on a whole grain bun! Or what about baked fish with a three bean salad? Sounds a lot better doesn't it! Well lets look at some alternative sources of protein below

Good Sources Of Protein That Are Enjoyable To Eat!

Cornish Hen
Ground Sirloin
Lean Cuts Of Red Meat
Pork Tenderloin
Veal Cutlet

This is just a short list but as you can see there is quite a bit more available to you then just plain chicken and eggs to get your protein. The nice thing about the variety above is that you can make a lot of different dishes with them. This variety can keep your meals fun to eat and muscle building as well!

But What About Carbohydrates

No protein source will do the job of building muscle by itself, to get the fuels yo need for your workouts you need complex carbohydrates. Without the proper amount of good carbohydrates your body will start using the protein you need for muscle growth as fuel. So what are some good sources of complex carbohydrates?

Good Complex Carbohydrate Sources

Whole Grain Bread
High Fiber Breakfast Cereals
Kidney Beans
Navy Beans
Lima Beans
Wheat Based Pasta
Oatmeal With Fruit
Nuts and Edible Seeds
Wild Rice

Combining These foods In To Delicious Recipes Is Easy

Just telling you what these foods are is good but you need to learn to prepare them into meals that are both delicious and nutritionally balanced. To do this I recommend you grab a good Anabolic Cookbook. On my blog I have reviewed one that has over 200 Easy to prepare delicious meals that will help sky rocket your strength and mass. Check it out at http://www.getmusclemassfast.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Darin_Sewell/105524