Super Fast Weight Loss - How To Easily Burn Off Belly Fat!

O.K! So what would super fast weight loss really look like and is it really possible?

And another thing... can you really easily burn off that belly fat?

Both good questions!

Super fast weight loss? Well it can't be so fast that it endangers your health or so slow that you get frustrated with your lack of progress. I mean you can go on a water or vegetable juice fast and really burn those pounds off at rocket speed... but you're highly likely to do yourself serious irreparable damage... and you can't keep it up forever or you'll die.

So I'm thinking super fast is something like 5 pounds a week, 20 pounds a month, maybe 100 plus pounds in a year... how does that sound? The rate of loss usually slows down after a while... especially as we start to allow ourselves to slip off the plan here and there. After all, we're only human!

The biggest trick will be to do this without going hungry and I'll show you how to do that.

And of course we need to deal with all that belly fat.

Have you noticed this... the belly fat is the first fat on and the last fat off. It seems we need to lose all of the weight everywhere else before we can budge it from our belly.

What if you could set up your weight loss program in such a way that the belly fat was the first fat to be released? I'll bet that would blow your mind, wouldn't it? I can show you how to do that!

It's all in what you eat and how you choose to change your eating habits to make fast belly fat loss a reality. As soon as you get off those highly processed carbohydrates and get onto low GI meals, that belly fat will just start to melt away.

And all that fat around your organs... just start drinking lots of alkaline water and doing some walking and that will get taken care of too.

Let me show you how to kill the carb craving without ever having to feel any hunger. If you do feel hungry... well you can just eat some more!

I can show you how to get this started in just 5 days! You'll lose 5 pounds in 5 days or 10 pounds in 10 days and you won't be hungry... it will be easy!

I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here:
Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Keayes