Carbohydrates are usually burned and used as a form of energy in the body. Carbs, including fats and proteins, are all calories. If you ask which one the body burns first, carbs are burned off first then fats, and lastly, proteins. You might be wondering why the body normally follows this order. Well, if you are at a point where your body burns off proteins first, you would be losing a lot of muscles. This is one major reason why most people tell you that it is important to eat less carbs and more protein so you would be building more muscles than accumulating fats.
The time between the body burning carbohydrates and the time it burns off fat differs from person to person. When a person eats lesser carbohydrates, then the body burns the latter fast. When you, on the other hand, eat more carbohydrates, it takes the body a longer period to burn fat. Now if you are opting for a better fat burning mechanism, the best thing you can do is to go on a low carb diet.
There are three forms of carbohydrates: sugars, starches, and fiber. As you might have known by now, the easiest to find is sugar and is actually the worst form of carbohydrate. Sugar, when eaten simply, turns to glucose, then to fats. On the other hand, starch and fiber are the complex types, and they can be found in foods like pasta, bread, beans, green peppers, and other vegetables. The diet that you have to follow is consuming complex carbs rather than sugars. Research shows that complex carbohydrates, when eaten, blends with its counterpart calories and takes over them, meaning you burn them off quickly compared to simple carbohydrates.
The body burns off carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The timeframe between these three being processed differs from person to person and usually depends on an individual's diet.
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