In literally six weeks you can have a flatter and more toned stomach. The key is combining 3 different elements at the same time, and committing to following the plan for six full weeks.
1. Diet. Obviously you're not going to flatten your stomach if you continue to eat badly. And since you want to flatten your stomach in only six weeks you have to have a diet which will assist in burning fat. Ideally you want a high protein, moderate carbohydrate, and moderate to small fat diet. For fat burning purposes pay attention mainly to the carbs. Eliminate breads, pastas and other "heavy carbs" and instead switch to vegetables. An example for breakfast would be an omelet consisting of 3 egg whites, one yolk, and topped with or filled with vegetables of your choice (perhaps broccoli, onions, peppers, etc). An example for dinner would be a chicken breast with a large side of vegetables. Try not to have your last meal 3 hours before you retire to bed, as this helps with the fat burning process.
2. Exercise. Burning fat is key to flattening the stomach, and the best way to burn fat is through exercise. But, there is a fast way and a slow way. Since you want a six week plan to flatten your stomach, you need to do it the fast way. 4-6 days a week, depending on how bad you want it and what your schedule allows, plan on performing some form of cardiovascular exercise, and here's the secret, first thing upon awakening. That's correct, before eating anything, before starting your day take at least 30 minutes and do some form of exercise. The easiest example is simply walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes upon awakening. This burns the fat and flattens your stomach quicker than any other method myself and many others have tried. Your body will be forced to burn the existing fat, since you are exercising first thing upon awakening on an empty stomach.
3. Ab exercises. Of course the specific key for a six week plan to flatten your stomach has to with performing abdominal exercises to firm up the stomach and get it toned. The good news is that this is the easy part. You generally only need 15 minutes to perform ab toning and firming exercises for maximum results. The best action to take is getting an abdominal e-book program which lays out the exact exercises you need to perform for the best and quickest results, so that in only six weeks you'll have a flatter stomach, with washboard developed abs.
Here is an excellent ab exercise program that can have you seeing results in 6 weeks - You can learn everything you need to know about flattening your stomach effectively, and getting it done in the shortest amount of time possible -
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