Best Way to Lose Body Fat - Strip That Fat

The best way to lose body fat and strip that fat is through what we can refer to as fat loss exercises. These exercises can miraculously help you lose 2 pounds every week and up to 5 pounds every week in the first two weeks of your starting the exercise program. The good news is that you will not be required to do 90 minutes of slow cardio. I know most of you dread this. You will only be required to do short, burst exercise sessions to lose body fat.

Most doctors are out of touch with modern day weight loss technique when they continue to harp on doing aerobic exercise (cardio) believing that it will help you to easily strip that fat from your body. If you live in the United States today, you have a 55% chance of being overweight and in the past decade or so, obesity has become a huge national problem. Not only are our doctors struggling to help their patients lose weight; they are also struggling to lose their own belly fat with fat loss exercises.

Here are some fat loss exercises and sample workouts to help you lose body fat, strip that fat and burn belly fat in a very short time.

First, to lose body fat and strip that fat, your fat loss exercises must include a squat movement. This can be wall squats for beginners, body-weight squats, or even bar-bell squats for advanced fat loss. You can also do dumb-bell swings, kettle-bell snatches, or medicine ball squat presses.

The second exercise to lose body fat and strip that fat is any type of pushing movement. For a beginner, kneeling push-ups, dumb-bell presses, or resistance band chest presses will work. For an advanced fitness level, you will have to do plenty of push-ups, dumb-bell presses, bar-bell presses, cable exercises and kettle-bell exercises.

The third fat loss exercise is we will call a pulling exercise. This is tough for beginners though, who do not have the required equipment. You will require a resistance band or dumb-bells for this exercise at home. If you workout at a gym, a seated cable row is what you will require.

The fourth exercise you will do is a single-leg movement. These are tough, but necessary. Beginners might do lying 1-leg hip extensions, while the most advanced move is a single-leg squat.

Finally, to lose body fat and strip that fat you will do a total body abs exercise such as a plank for the beginner or stability ball jack-knife for the advanced exercise. You will not be required to do crunches.

For the sample intermediate fat loss exercises workout, this is what you will do. You should start with 15 prisoner squats, then 15 close-grip push-ups, then 10 inverted body-weight rows, then 12 split squats per leg, and then 10 mountain climbers per side. Then you rest for one minute and repeat the exercises 2 more times. This workout can be done by even the busiest man or woman.

These is no doubt that the best way to lose body fat and strip that fat immediately is by doing the fat loss exercises. The transformation that will take place in your body will be admired by your friends and colleagues.

If you want more fat loss exercises like this, click here to read about the best fat loss system in the world and try your hands on any of them for immediate fat loss. Love your body and take good care of your health. Being overweight is dangerous. Say NO to high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flaviu_Serban