Safe Diet Tips - Lose Weight Eating the 10 Best Foods That Burn Fat

Is there such thing as a fat burning food? Not technically but it is a phrase that is used to describe highly nutritious foods that give you the most nutrition per bite while at the same time making you feel as full as possible. The more of these foods that you eat, the more likely your body is to burn fat. These kinds of food are called thermogenic.

Thermogenic foods are foods that stimulate the body's ability to burn off fat. The more calories you burn the more energy you have. This increase in energy allows the body to be more physically active, which means you burn even more calories because of this increase in energy. So calorie burning becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy so to speak.

Another reason to choose foods that spur your body to burn fat is because most diets limit your calorie intake. This means that it becomes more important than ever that you choose the most nutritious foods possible. For instance, a cup of corn chips packs far less nutrition than a cup of blueberries.

When you consume a donut instead of an apple you are feeding your body with what nutritionists call empty calories. Empty calories are those with no nutritional value. Most sugary, refined foods and beverages consist of empty calories that will add fat to your body.

Here are 10 fat-burning foods that no dieter should be without:

1. Cayenne. Cayenne refers to a broad range of spicy foods that contain capsaicin. They are commonly know as chili pepper, red or green peppers, or sweet peppers. The large mild form of cayenne peppers is called bell pepper in the US and Canada. Cayenne is a natural stimulant and diaphoretic (induces sweating).

2. Ginger. Ginger is a spice which is used for cooking and is also consumed whole as a delicacy or as medicine. It is the underground stem of the ginger plant. Ginger is very spicy and in herbal medicine is also considered a stimulant.

3. Bitter orange. The name "bitter orange" refers to a citrus tree and its fruit. Bitter orange is used in herbal medicine as a stimulant and appetite suppressant, and has replaced the banned stimulant ephedra in many herbal weight-loss products. Other names for bitter orange include sour orange, bigarade orange and Seville orange.

4. Fish. Fish is not only rich in heart-healthy, brain boosting omega 3 oils but it is also a great source of calcium. All fatty fish (such as rainbow trout, catfish and swordfish) can help reduce the risk of heart attack and help your body lose fat.

5. Avocados. Avocados have a lot of fat but they contain the good fat--unsaturated fat in the form of Omega 3 oils. They are also loaded with Vitamin E, which is essential for free radical fighting and general cell health. Avocados are also one of the most thermogenic and anti-aging foods that you can eat. One half of an avocado supplies you with a full day's worth of Vitamin E.

6. Beans. To stay thin and avoid developing a paunchy middle you need to eat plenty of fiber and that is exactly what beans supply you with. They are also full of protein (for building muscle).

7. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is a healthy well-rounded grain that is low in calories. It is a good choice of food for breakfast. Not only does it contain lots of healthy fiber for cleansing your colon but it is also full of B vitamins. B vitamins help increase metabolism (calorie burn rate). For best results stay away from the instant stuff and make you're own with steel cut oats (raw unrefined oats). Consuming steel cut oats can also help lower high cholesterol levels.

8. Broccoli - All cruciferous vegetables are fat burners and contain zero fat. Broccoli is particularly good for you. This accessible and affordable vegetable contains lots of vitamin C and folic acid (which is needed to metabolize iron). It is also a good dairy-free source of calcium.

9. Leafy Greens - This is a group of greens that includes Spinach, Kale and Collard Greens. These foods are loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and calcium; and have next to no calories per serving.

10. Pineapple - This tangy tropical fruit contains plenty of Vitamin A, fiber, and an enzyme called bromelain that degrades food in the stomach so that the nutrients from them can be absorbed more efficiently. As an added bonus, pineapple is also an anti-inflammatory food and can help combat post work out soreness.

Notice that many of these fat burning foods are cheaper to buy than foods that might contain a lot of empty calories (like cakes and breads). Over the long run they are much cheaper to invest in than expensive vitamins and mineral supplements.

So there you have it, 10 safe and effective weight loss tips.

Gale Tern is an experienced health writer and naturopathic practitioner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gale_Tern