Easy and Quick Way to Increase Fat Loss and Spare Lean Muscle in Your Body

The growing obesity plague is a universal concern. Obesity contributes to health issues that result from carrying increased fat mass such as sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and joint and skin abnormalities.

Other health issues result from the metabolic effect of fat cells such as type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, heart disease, gallbladder disease and cancer.

Decreasing body fat mass in humans significantly reduces these health issues... and gets you a slimmer and strong body.

An effective move toward weight management is to increase dietary protein or change the ratio of carbohydrate to protein in the diet.

In several studies, a low carbohydrate to protein ratio (less than 2) with greater than 100 grams of protein per day in the form of meats, eggs, cheese, milk and nuts increased fat loss and retained lean muscle during dieting.

For example, Layman et al. studied body composition and weight loss in women who consumed a hypocaloric diet with a 1.4 or a 3.5 carbohydrate to protein ratio. Weight loss was not significantly different between groups but fat loss significantly increased for those consuming the high protein diet (~125 g/day).

In another experiment, Skov et al. measured the effect of carbohydrate to protein ratio on body composition in a hypocaloric study. The treatment group consumed an ad libitum fat-reduced diet with a 1.9 carbohydrate to protein ratio and the control group consumed an ad libitum fat reduced diet with a 4.9 carbohydrate to protein ratio. The weight and fat losses over six months significantly increased in the high protein group compared to the control group (8.0 kg versus 5.1 kg for weight loss and 7.6 versus 4.3 kg for fat loss).

Increasing fat loss through dietary changes helps retain lean muscle mass. Retaining lean muscle translates into increased body strength, increased basal metabolic rate and increased bone strength.

There you are. You just read and effective, easy and quick way to accelerate fat loss while keeping and repairing your body's muscle mass. I hope that you make that change in your dietary habits.

You can have a slim and strong body. But you need to start eating and exercising the right way, and you can learn more in my site Body Mass Index.

Sabel Todd is a health journalist, always looking for easier and safer alternatives to the most common health and fitness concerns. You can start to learn more by browsing his name on the net.

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