One Of The Easiest Ways To Burn Fat: How Deep Breathing Benefits Your Efforts To Get Skinny

Did you know that one of the easiest ways to burn fat is just an extension of something you do everyday? It's true. Everyday, you breathe in and out, and when you learn to do this in a certain way, it can help you get skinny. Yes, deep breathing benefits your fat burning efforts. Here's how.

Think about aerobic exercise for a minute. Why is it that we do all that running, jumping, dancing, cycling, rowing, and such?

We do it partly to get our muscles in motion, to build up lean muscle. But aerobic training isn't called aerobic for no reason. Aerobic means "involving or improving oxygen consumption in the body. That's why we do all that moving around. We do it to get more oxygen to our cells.

We do it because getting oxygen to our cells creates energy. And it burns fat.

Taking in more oxygen alters your cellular chemistry and triggers a process whereby your cells process the extra oxygen. This is called oxidation, which basically means burning.

So all that extra oxygen turns your cells into little furnaces. They burn. And the burning melts away what's filling your fat cells: fat. The burning is your metabolism in motion.

So oxygen increases your metabolism. You do aerobics to take in more oxygen.

Well, doing aerobics isn't the only way to take in oxygen. Doing deep breathing will do it too.

This is why breathing exercises can help you to become thin. They're one of the easiest, cheapest, and most convenient ways to create the oxidation effect that turns your cells into industrious little fat burners.

Breathing is the key to awakening your metabolism. When you breathe more deeply, two things happen that must happen if you want to drop pounds.

First, your body heat rises. You reset your inner thermostat to a higher level. When you do enough deep breathing, your body's thermostat gets so high that you burn fat all the time, no matter what you're doing.

Second, the fluids that need to circulate to your liver, kidneys, stomach, and intestines, moves more efficiently and consistently. This flushes toxins out of your system. You don't want to be hanging onto toxins because when you do, your body holds on to fat cells to insulate you from the negative impact of those toxins.

Deepening your breath on a regular basis literally changes your body's chemistry and functioning to raise your metabolism and burn fat. And the beauty of the process is you can do it without having to go to the gym. If you're a die-hard couch potato, this is very good news.

Start practicing deep, slow breathing into your diaphragm, and hold the breath before you let it out. A good ratio to in, hold, and out is 1-4-2. You count how many seconds it takes you to breathe in, and hold your breath for four times that long and then exhale for two times the amount of time it took you to breathe in. Do this twenty times per day to start and build up from there.

Because deep breathing benefits your efforts to get skinny, it's one of the easiest ways to burn fat.

Knowledge is one thing; action is another. Discover the one thing you must know if you want to get skinny. Then find out more about easy ways to burn fat and create the body you want.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ande_Waggener