Weight Loss Tips - Are Raw Fruits Good For a Diet in Losing Weight?

I believe the best medicine one can go is natural supplement in the form of raw fruits in-take. This is a popular way of losing weight by many people and I personally agree with this wholly. Although many will argue but always using it. Now a times you go on a diet, you tend to consume more of fruits and vegetables compared to the normal meals often taken. Now there is no fast rule to taking raw food, nothing stops you from taking some cooked foods along side with your diet plans. However just ensure you take more of raw fruits to the normal meal.

Now many people know it is indeed good taking fruits as diet but do not know how to go about it. Listed are four tips that can assist you getting started on your way to using fruits as your diet plans henceforth.

1. Take More Of Vegetables To Ordinary Fruits

As you know, fruits contains more sugar than vegetables. Vegetables are really medicinal as you can see that most of vegetables are used for herbs in most cases thus if they do not work, they will not be used. Try take more of vegetable than fruits, it will do you more good medically.

2. Take Low In Sugar Fruits

If indeed, weight loss is your goal, you will need to take more of low in content sugar fruits and more of calories fruits like nuts, strawberries and the likes. They are good fruits that are rich in vitamin C.

3. Take raw foods that are rich in both potassium and protein

As you know, your body is made up of potassium, and if it does not have, the cells will not function well. We all need lots of potassium per day like 3,500mg for women and 4,700mg for men. Thus go for raw fruits rich in potassium like tomatoes and potatoes.

Now, what if your body gets the potassium and lacks proteins, it will still not function optimally, you know. thus combine your intake with rich in protein raw fruits like raw almonds, ground nuts and so forth.

4. Do Not Take Much Of Fruit Juices

Fruits contain much of sugar and if you eventually keep consuming it, you will just be increasing your sugar level and this is not good for health. Instead, try to take take the fruits raw as they are. Also endeavor taking more of vegetables and fruits as this can not be over-emphasized.
check my blog here for more tips quick natural weight loss tips

J Mike is weight loss enthusiast.He writes and reviews articles related to weight loss programs and has a blog all about weight loss which can be found here at quick weight loss diet plans

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J_Mike